Bridging to Adulthood

A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community

Bridging to Adulthood: A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community

Bridging to Adulthood: A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community (pdf icon 3.39 MB)

This document updates Bridging to Adulthood: A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community, version 2008. It is intended for transition planning partners, including Manitoba Families, designated agencies, Child and Family Services Authorities and Agencies, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment and Trade, Manitoba Health, Manitoba Mental Health and Community Wellness, regional health authorities and their programs and services, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, as well as educators in Manitoba.

Interactive Roles and Time Lines In Transition Planning - Website

The Interactive Roles and Time Lines In Transition Planning website describes the roles of transition planning partners and the timelines for important steps in the planning process for students with exceptional needs who may require adult programs and services after completing high school. The website provides links and additional information to support implementation of Bridging to Adulthood: A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community.

Related document:

Working Together: A Parent's Guide to Transition from School Community

The transition to adult life creates big changes in the lives of young people with exceptional needs and their families. This guide includes information to assist families in participating in transition planning for their son or daughter. It is intended for parents, guardians, foster parents and caregivers.

Working Together: A Parent's Guide to Transition from School to Community ( Adobe Icon 925 KB)


For additional information, please contact:

General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912