Indigenous Excellence

Truth and Reconciliation Week and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, September 30

On September 30, the Manitoba government commemorates the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation during Truth and Reconciliation Week during the last week of September. This day is also recognized as Orange Shirt Day, a day to have meaningful conversation about the legacy of the residential school experience, to honour the healing journey of residential school Survivors and their families, and to commit to Truth and Reconciliation. It is our collective and shared responsibility during this time to honour the residential school Survivors, to educate students and ourselves, to reflect on the detrimental impacts of residential schools, and to address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.

Educators have an important role in raising awareness of the tragic and ongoing legacy of residential schools and colonialism. Educators are encouraged to incorporate and facilitate engagement in activities that teach about the true history of residential Schools and colonialism during Truth and Reconciliation Week.

Early learning and child care providers and school divisions are encouraged to recognize September 29 as a day of learning for all students and staff, to honour the tradition of Orange Shirt Day and the intent of the federal day of observance. Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, in collaboration with the Indigenous Excellence Advisory Council, recommends a moment of silence on September 29 across all schools. A script that may be used to accompany the moment of silence is available in both English and French.


Further resources to facilitate commemoration and support teaching and learning during Truth and Reconciliation Week, and throughout the year, include the following: