Government of Manitoba
Art Language and Tools

Art Language and Tools (A-L1) »
Students demonstrate understanding of the elements and principles of artistic design in a variety of contexts.


Students who have achieved expectations for this grade are able to

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Elements of Art
use art media, tools, and processes to explore and demonstrate awareness of the elements of art: line, colour, texture, shape, form, and space

K-2 A-L1.1

use art media, tools, and processes to explore and demonstrate understanding of the elements of art: line, colour, texture, shape, form, and space

3-4 A-L1.1

Appendix A: Elements of Art
use the words line, colour, texture, shape, and space appropriately

K-1 A-L1.2

use the words line, colour, texture, shape, form, and space appropriately, and demonstrate understanding that they comprise the elements of art

2-4 A-L1.2

describe lines, colours, textures, and shapes observed in artworks and in own surroundings

2-4 A-L1.3

identify and describe lines, colours, textures, shapes, forms, and spaces in artworks and in own surroundings

2-4 A-L1.3

Principles of Design
describe various patterns in terms of repeating and varying elements

K-1 A-L1.4

apply the words pattern, variety, and repetition appropriately in various visual contexts, including discussions of artworks

2-4 A-L1.4

create simple patterns using art media

K A-L1.4

use repetition and variety to create and modify patterns using various art media

1-4 A-L1.5

  identify and describe contrasting elements in art images and objects and in the natural and constructed environment, and manipulate elements to create contrast and emphasis using art media

2-4 A-L1.6

  identify and describe examples of symmetry and asymmetry in own surroundings and in art images and objects

2 A-L1.7

demonstrate understanding of visual balance as a principle of design and create different kinds of balance in own artmaking using two- and three-dimensional media

3-4 A-L1.7


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Key Concepts: Elements of Art for Kindergarten to Grade 4
Element K-2 3-4
Line Line weight (thick/thin, light/heavy, varied)
Line character (physical and emotive qualities)
Contour lines (primary, secondary, cross)
Implied lines
Colour Manipulating tints and shades (altering the value of colours with white or black, and by thinning)
Primary colour as the basis for mixing secondary and other colours
Warm and cool
The colour wheel
Complimentary colours
Analogous colours
Manipulating colour intensity (adding grey/adding complimentary colour)
Texture Texture character
Texture rubbings
Textured media
Creating and manipulating visual and real textures
Shape and Form Geometric/organic
Soft and hard edges
Creating and manipulating visual and real textures
Space Depth (near and far)
Picture plane (top/bottom/right/left)
Positive/negative spaces
Foreground/middle ground/background