Social Studies
Louis Riel Day
Social Studies Learning Outcomes
Curriculum in Manitoba offers many opportunities to focus on Louis Riel and his significance in Manitoba History. Social studies, English language arts, and the arts (art, music, drama and dance) are particularly suited to engaging in learning about the Father of Manitoba.
Listed below are specific learning outcomes for social studies that relate to teaching about Louis Riel, or related history.
Grade 2
Communities in Canada
Identify significan Canadian and Manitoba symbols, buildings, and monuments.
Examples: Canadian flag, Maple Leaf, Manitoba flag and floral emblem, beaver, buffalo, Manitoba Legislative building, Parliament Buildings, National War Memorial, drums, inuksuit, Red River Cart, York Boat ...
Cluster: 3
Examples: Canadian flag, Maple Leaf, Manitoba flag and floral emblem, beaver, buffalo, Manitoba Legislative building, Parliament Buildings, National War Memorial, drums, inuksuit, Red River Cart, York Boat ...
Cluster: 3
Value oral history as a way to learn about the land.
Cluster: 2
Cluster: 2
Grade 4
Manitoba, Canada, and the North: Places and Stories
Identify days important to Canadians and Manitobans.
Examples: Canada Day, Remembrance Day, National Aboriginal Day, La Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Manitoba Day, Louis Riel Day...
Cluster: 2
Examples: Canada Day, Remembrance Day, National Aboriginal Day, La Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Manitoba Day, Louis Riel Day...
Cluster: 2
Relate stories of people and events that shaped Manitoba.
Examples: voyageurs, Louis Riel, Chief Peguis, Lord Selkirk, Nellie McClung, Thanadelthur, bison hunt...
Cluster: 4
Examples: voyageurs, Louis Riel, Chief Peguis, Lord Selkirk, Nellie McClung, Thanadelthur, bison hunt...
Cluster: 4
Give examples of the impact of European settlement on Aboriginal communities in Manitoba.
Include: displacement of communities, disease, cultural change.
Cluster: 4
Include: displacement of communities, disease, cultural change.
Cluster: 4
Describe ways in which life in Manitoba has changed over time.
Examples: housing, food, hunting and fishing, clothing, recreation, languages, education, agriculture, transportation...
Cluster: 4
Examples: housing, food, hunting and fishing, clothing, recreation, languages, education, agriculture, transportation...
Cluster: 4
Value oral tradition as an important way to learn history.
Cluster: 4
Cluster: 4
Appreciate the significance of history in their lives.
Cluster: 4
Cluster: 4
Grade 5
Peoples and Stories of Canada to 1867
Value history as a way of understanding contemporary Canada.
Cluster: 4
Cluster: 4
Grade 6
Canada: A Country of Change (1867 to Present)
Identify individuals and events connected with Manitoba's entry into Confederation.
Include: Louis Riel, Red River Resistance, Métis Bill of Rights, provisional government.
Cluster: 1
Include: Louis Riel, Red River Resistance, Métis Bill of Rights, provisional government.
Cluster: 1
Identify contributions of Aboriginal leaders from 1867 to 1914.
Examples: Gabriel Dumont, Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear), Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker), Isapomuxika (Crowfoot)...
Cluster: 1
Examples: Gabriel Dumont, Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear), Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker), Isapomuxika (Crowfoot)...
Cluster: 1
Identify factors leading to the entry into Confederation of Manitoba, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut, and specify the year of entry.
Cluster: 1
Cluster: 1
Value the diverse stories and perspectives that comprise the history of Canada.
Cluster: 1
Cluster: 1
Grade 7
People and Places in the World
Appreciate history as an important way to understand contemporary life.
Cluster: 4
Cluster: 4
Grade 8
World History: Societies of the Past
Explain the importance of knowing the past and understanding history.
Cluster: 1
Cluster: 1
Grade 9
Canada in the Contemporary World
Identify contemporary political leaders in Canada.
Include: Aboriginal, federal, provincial, local. Comments: Governor General, Prime Minister, National Grand Chief, Premier of Manitoba, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, Grand Chief of Manitoba, President of Manitoba Métis Federation, Mayor, Reeve, Band Chief.
Include: Aboriginal, federal, provincial, local. Comments: Governor General, Prime Minister, National Grand Chief, Premier of Manitoba, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, Grand Chief of Manitoba, President of Manitoba Métis Federation, Mayor, Reeve, Band Chief.
Grade 11
Canadian History
The Manitoba Canadian History curriculum is currently under development. There are many opportunities in the existing Grade 11 curriculum, as there will be in the new curriculum, to focus on Louis Riel and his importance in the history of Manitoba.