The Role of Guidance in Post-Secondary Planning
Findings for Manitoba
The following documents are available for download as PDF files.
The Role of Guidance in Post-Secondary Planning: Findings for Manitoba (860 KB)
Letter (21 KB)
This report presents the Manitoba portion of a research project in career guidance in the secondary school system undertaken by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation in partnership with four provinces — Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador. It explores the availability to high school students and their parents of information and programming about careers, education and training options after high school and about financing these various options.
(ISBN 0-7711-3203-4)
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
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Please refer your questions related to this project to:
Keith Lowe
Senior Program and Policy Advisor
MB4Youth Division
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
310-800 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0N4
Telephone: (204) 945-8772