Supporting Inclusive Schools
Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities
This document and specific sections are available for download as PDF files.
Supporting Inclusive Schools: Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities (1.70 MB)
This resource is intended to support educators as they work with students with learning disabilities within inclusive classrooms and schools.
Specific sections of the document:
- Cover (90 KB)
- ISBN Page (61 KB)
- Contents (88 KB)
- Introduction (159 KB)
- Module 1: Understanding Learning Disabilities (234 KB)
- Module 2: Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities (648 KB)
- Module 3: Supporting Students with Reading Disabilities (365 KB)
- Module 4: Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities in Written Expression (403 KB)
- Module 5: Supporting Students with Mathematics Disabilities (611 KB)
- Module 6: Supporting Students with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (310 KB)
- Module 7: Supporting Self-Advocacy and Success in Student Learning (269 KB)
- Module 8: Supporting Student Transition from School to Post-Secondary Education and Employment (271 KB)