Reading and Writing in Action
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Full Document (7.4 MB)
This teacher support document and resource for instruction and classroom-based assessment consists of two vignettes that are windows into two different Grade 8 classroom learning communities. The learning/teaching contexts and strategies referenced in the vignettes, along with their sources, are included at the end of this document to assist teachers in planning for the specific next steps in the students’ learning journeys.
Document Sections:
Cover (236 KB)
ISBN and Acknowledgements (46 KB)
Introduction (36 KB)
Pages 1 to 3 (1.0 MB)
Pages 4 to 6 (947 KB)
Pages 7 to 9 (980 KB)
Pages 10 to 12 (953 KB)
Pages 13 to 15 (1.3 MB)
Pages 16 to 18 (1.1 MB)
Pages 19 to 21 (930 KB)
Pages 22 to 24 (69 KB)
Back Cover (244 KB)

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