Science Safety
Appendix G
Field Trip Parent Permission Form
Determine the policy of your school division/district for permission slips and requirements that students have additional medical insurance for such a trip.
- Date of permission
- Name and address of school
- Name of student
- Acknowledge receipt of information
- Destination of trip
- Date(s) of trip
- Permission statement
- Name of teacher
- Signatures
- Phone numbers
- Medical information form
The following page has a form that may be used for special and out-of-country field trips. It is a good idea to use a form such as this instead of relying on school records which may be out of date.
Routine field trips will require a simpler medical form (check with your school administration for policies).
_______________, 19____
The Principal
__________________ School
Somewhere MB
R0A 0B0
Re: ___(Name of Student) ___
We (I), the undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) acknowledge receipt of your information letter of ___(Date)___ containing details of the proposed field trip to ___ (Place) ___ on ___(Dates)___ .
We(I) hereby grant permission for our(my) son/daughter to participate in this field trip and look forward to receiving further information about the trip.
We(I) understand this activity will be supervised by
___(Sponsor Teacher) ___.
Both parents should sign if possible.
Work phone____________________
Work phone____________________
Home phone___________________