Safe and Caring Schools
A Policy Directive Enhancing Proactive Supports to Minimize the Use of Suspension

The following document and specific sections are available for download as PDF files.
A Policy Directive Enhancing Proactive Supports to Minimize the Use of Suspension (502 KB)
This document provides guidelines that will inform school divisions in the development of policies and procedures on the use of suspension in schools. This policy directive also provides information that will support schools in their efforts to limit, reduce, and phase out exclusionary practices except in situations of imminent safety risk to students and staff. School divisions are required to revise or develop policies that establish procedures for the use of suspension in Manitoba schools in accordance with these guidelines.
The companion guide provides information, links, and resources intended to support schools in their efforts to limit, reduce, and phase out exclusionary practices.
Specific sections of the document:
- Cover Page (69 KB)
- ISBN (59 KB)
- Contents (48 KB)
- Acknowledgements (54 KB)
- Introduction (144 KB)
- Related Legislation/Regulation (47 KB)
- Guiding Principles (44 KB)
- Guideline 1: Definitions and Terminology (69 KB)
- Guideline 2: Enhancing Proactive and Preventative Practices (54 KB)
- Guideline 3: Alternative Approaches to Suspension (66 KB)
- Guideline 4: Discretion and Consideration (55 KB)
- Guideline 5: Suspension Procedures (70 KB)
- Guideline 6: Re-Entry Process (66 KB)
- Guideline 7: Appeal Process (54 KB)
- Guideline 8: Documentation (39 KB)
- Guideline 9: Monitoring and Review (58 KB)
- Bibliography (150 KB)