Welcome to the My Learning at Home website.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Childcare centres and schools continue to follow public health orders for the health, safety, and well-being of our communities across Manitoba. Through all school pandemic response levels (in-class learning, blended learning, and remote learning), meaningful family-centred learning continues. The My Learning at Home website is one of the supports that you can use to enhance learning at home for your child’s well-being and learning growth.
Learning happens everywhere! There are many ways you can enhance learning for your child with My Learning at Home website. You can access information and resources to support your child’s physical, social and emotional, and digital wellness, read tips about learning at home, and peruse parent guides about different subject/learning areas. You and your family can also try some of the suggested everyday learning activities together and interact with the large collection of suggested Preschool, Early Years, Middle Years, and Senior Years online learning resources.
New early childhood and Kindergarten to Grade 12 supports will be added and updated regularly. For further questions or comments about supporting your child’s learning at home, contact your child’s teachers or early childhood/family resource program staff. They can best serve you in providing individualized support.