Exchange Programs and Bursaries for Secondary Students
Exchange Programs
International Education Partnerships
Manitoba has entered into International Education Partnerships with other governments. These agreements are overseen by the Government of Manitoba, but administered by local educational institutions.
Explore Canada while learning or improving your French as a second language!
Explore is an intensive French-language program offered to Anglophone students 13 years of age and over. It's a program of discoveries, adventures and encounters, offered in the spring or summer months, all across Canada!
Funding provided to participants covers tuition fees, accommodations, meals and socio-cultural activities.
Register now for Explore.
Registration Deadline: February 4
Please note : Priority will be given to students who apply on or before the deadline. Late applications may be accepted after the deadline but considered only when all other applications have been processed and if funds are available.
Other available Bursaries
If you have any questions on any of the bursaries described above, please contact:
Coordinator of Official Languages Programs
Bureau de l’éducation française
Telephone: 204-945-6916
Toll-free (in Manitoba only): 1-800-282-8069, extension 6916