Research Results

Impact of the IMYM Project on Grade 7 Pilot Teachers: A Follow-up Report

March 2000

Prepared by Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning

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Appendix - Guiding Questions

3.1 How did you integrate OLE (Ongoing Learning Experiences) and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) learning experiences throughout the Balance and Harmony interdisciplinary unit?
3.2 What ideas did you use for balanced assessment throughout the Balance and Harmony interdisciplinary unit?
3.3 How were you able to help your students recognize the Balance and Harmony conceptual theme and the connections too the culminating Ecotrip through their Balance and Harmony learning experiences?
3.4 What would you include in an IMYM classroom hardware model and software suite?
3.5 How would you design a technical support model for an IMYM classroom?
3.6 How would you design a professional learning program for an IMYM pilot teacher, considering topics, time, balance of pedagogical and technical training, etc.?
