What's New
Supporting Refugees from Ukraine in Manitoba Schools (2022)

This document supports teachers and schools as refugee students from Ukraine begin to register in Manitoba schools. The horrific events occuring in Ukraine will trigger trauma, grief, anxiety, and loss. This document offers suggestions on how to work with students displaying these symptoms.
EAL Support Guide for Teachers with EAL Learners

This document will support teachers with providing a friendly, supportive, and caring school environment and with lesson planning that encompasses subject-area topics, English language learning, and technology.
Who are our EAL Pupils?
Pupils whose home language is other than English and who require specialized programming and/or additional services to develop English language proficiency.
What is LAL?
LAL is an acronym for Literacy, Academics, and Language and describes students who are learning EAL who have interrupted or no prior schooling. The goal of LAL programming is to help students learn English, build foundational background knowledge skills, and develop literacy as needed for life in Canada and success in general classrooms. LAL students need intensive and purposeful learning activities and more time to be successful in a variety of curricular areas.
EAL Framework
Manitoba’s EAL learning intentions are described as an acquisition continuum under the four domains: Linguistic Competency, Contextual Applications, Intercultural Competency and Global Citizenship, and Strategic Competency. These learning intentions are separated into Early Years, Middle Years, and Senior Years. There is a document on Assessment of EAL and LAL learners ( 800 KB).