Policy and Planning
Kindergarten to Grade 12
Overview information concerning the mandate, mission, vision and kindergarten to grade 12 priority areas of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.
Information about children's right to attend school, compulsory school age, schools of choice, funding and tuition, public and independent schools, school programs, etc.
Information on Current Graduation Requirements, Planning and Policy Documents, School Programs, Options for Meeting the Senior Years Credit Requirements, and Previous Graduation Requirements.
Administrative Handbook for Schools
Serves as a reference and resource guide providing basic administrative information for educators in the Kindergarten to Grade 12 levels.
Appropriate Educational Programming
Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued, and safe. An inclusive community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members. Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of citizenship.
Educational Assistants in Manitoba
The purpose of Educational Assistants in Manitoba Schools is to provide educators, school administrators, and school division administrators with a resource to support the work of educational assistants in Manitoba schools.
Guidelines on the Retention & Disposition of School Division/District Records
These guidelines are provided to help School Divisions/Districts to fulfill their responsibilities respecting records management and information access and privacy.
This website provides guidance and resources for anyone working in or with a school on food related activities throughout the school day, including teachers, parents, administrators, students, and health professionals. Visit this website to find
- The Manitoba School Nutrition Handbook
- Guidelines for Foods Available in K to 12 Schools in Manitoba
Joint Use of School and Community Facilities
School divisions are required to review, develop and implement policies that establish procedures, and joint-use agreements, for the use of public school facilities that maximize their use by school and community users and support the educational, recreational, social and cultural programming that can be offered during school hours as well as outside the regular instructional day.
Access to the Manitoba Public Schools Act, Education Administration Act and other education administration information.
Manitoba Funding Policies and Announcements
Policies, enrolment reports, FRAME reports, Schools' Finance Reporting forms.
Manitoba Public Schools Fee Policy
The Manitoba Public School Fee Policy has been developed to provide guidance to divisions/districts regarding fees and charges not specifically referenced in the Public Schools Act.
Manitoba Pupil File Guidelines
The Manitoba Pupil File Guidelines are provided to assist school boards in establishing, maintaining and storing a record of a student's educational career.
Manitoba Pupil File Transfer Request Form
This form has been developed to assist school principals in meeting the requirement to provide the pupil file of a pupil who has transferred to another school to the receiving school.
This document outlines Manitoba Education’s assessment policy and principles in the areas of academic responsibility, honesty, and promotion/retention of students. Beginning February 1, 2011, practices in Manitoba schools related to these areas will align with those described in this document. School divisions in Manitoba will formalize divisional policies to conform to this document by September 2011.
Public Schools Enrolment Reporting
This document will assist schools in the reporting of enrolment and categorical information electronically through EIS Collection and/or on paper as required.
Pupil transportation regulations, bus driver instruction and seminars, publications, failed material tags, school bus purchase, forms...
School and School Division Planning
Information on school planning to enhance the delivery of an effective education system for students. School and School Division planning templates.
This policy directive and related action plan have been created to provide provincial guidance to build upon the work of school divisions, school leaders, educators, and other partners. This policy directive is also designed to identify and address absenteeism before it becomes a problem.
School-Initiated Courses and Student-Initiated Projects (SICs and SIPs)
School-Initiated Courses (SICs) and Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs) are curricula that have been developed by school divisions/schools to meet local needs and interests.
School Leaders' Guide to Early Years Curricula
School Leaders' Guide to Middle Years Curricula
These guides provide school leaders with a quick overview or summary of curricular information and outcomes. The information can be used as a springboard for curriculum-related discussions, but it is not intended to provide an in-depth view of any curricula.
The Student Records office provides School Divisions and school personnel the MET numbers for Manitoba students. It provides students with their Manitoba High School Marks statement if they are unable to obtain their marks from the school they attended.
The purpose of the Subject Table Handbook is to support schools by providing basic information to assist schools in completing the Professional School Personnel system (PSP) forms; by providing basic information to schools for entering student records into the Student Records system (SRS); and by providing subject computer codes for courses developed by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, and for those approved or registered by the Department.
Work placement is one of several delivery mechanisms that may be used to achieve the teaching/learning goals, objectives, and/or outcomes stated in department-developed, -registered, or -approved curricula and/or courses.
This document is a guide intended to support the timely sharing of student information between First Nations and provincial schools. The purpose of the document is to ensure that students receive appropriate supports and services when they move from one school to another, with minimal disruption to their educational programming.