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Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning Structure

Organizational Chart (pdf document 87 KB)

Contact List (pdf document 73 KB)

Strategic Objectives


From every part of Manitoba, from every background, all children and youth matter, belong, are respected, successful, and safe.


To ensure responsive, equitable, high-quality child care and learning that fosters belonging from early childhood through to high school graduation, and supports all children and youth to reach their full potential.


  • Truth and Reconciliation
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Relationships, Consultation, and Accommodation
  • Learning and Continuous Improvement
  • Transparency and System Accountability

To support the department's new mandate, vision, and mission, changes have been made to the divisions that make up Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, to better align our team to our mandate. The department is now comprised of the following teams:

Early Learning and Child Care Division

The Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Division ensures that all licensed child care services in Manitoba are in compliance with The Community Child Care Standards Act, and that they provide safe, accessible, affordable, and high-quality child care services for families. The division develops and administers legislation, regulations, best practices, policies, procedures, and new initiatives, and makes recommendations regarding multi-year planning.

The division is responsible for formally classifying and certifying all child care assistants (CCAs) and early childhood educators (ECEs), and it coordinates the Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee, which is primarily responsible for reviewing early childhood educator training programs offered by various educational institutions.

The division also oversees the parent fee subsidy program, which helps with the cost of child care for eligible families, and administers the Diversity and Inclusion Support Program, which helps children with additional support needs access child care. It also provides training, operating, and capital funding grants for child care providers.

Student Achievement and Inclusion Division

The Student Achievement and Inclusion Division is focused on improving student outcomes, ensuring equity, and promoting well-being and inclusion. The division is committed to working in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, in collaboration with the Indigenous Excellence, to embed Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing into all areas of education. The division is responsible for the design and implementation of a policy framework that improves classroom teaching, learning, and assessment; builds capacity; improves school effectiveness; and oversees best practices and evidence-informed policy through research, monitoring, and evaluation. The division is responsible for leadership in the four official school programs: English, Français, French Immersion, and Senior Years Technology Education. The division oversees and coordinates a range of inclusion support services to ensure the success and well-being of students with diverse learning needs. The division is also responsible for reporting and overseeing student outcomes, and oversees implementation of the K–12 Framework for Continuous Improvement. The division develops and maintains partnerships with external organizations to support the delivery of professional learning and works collaboratively with early childhood and post secondary partners to strengthen connections and to support students and families as they move into, throughout, and beyond the K–12 education system.

Indigenous Excellence

The Indigenous Excellence (IE) provides leadership and coordination of departmental initiatives that pertain to Indigenous education and training. IE works within the department in collaboration with Manitoba Economic Development, Investment and Trade and Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations to ensure an inclusive approach to Indigenous education and training throughout the province. IE coordinates the development of the Manitoba First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education policy and supporting action plan to remove systemic barriers to Indigenous student success. This involves collaboration with partners to undertake research, policy, and strategic initiatives that enhance Indigenous student engagement, achievement, high school completion, and post-secondary education and labour market participation rates. Also, IE helps to ensure that all Manitoba students and educators, including those at the post-secondary level, learn about the histories and cultures of Indigenous Peoples, the legacy of residential schools, and the significance of Treaties and the Treaty Relationship in the present day. The Indigenous Excellence also oversees the Community Schools Program in partnership with community agencies, government departments, and the corporate sector to mobilize training, resources, and services for use in community school programs and network schools.

System Performance and Accountability Division

The System Performance and Accountability Division is responsible for the governance structures, policy, and planning for the K–12 education system, and is responsible for the stewardship of education funding and resources, including the design of sustainable funding structures. The division oversees the requirements and certification for the teaching profession in Manitoba, and leads the policy and oversight for independent and international education. The division ensures that the K–12 system in Manitoba is aligned and accountable in order to drive better student outcomes.

Corporate Services

Corporate Services provides centralized corporate leadership and coordination to the department for strategic departmental initiatives, business support services, and corporate policies, and oversees an integrated action plan based on the identified priorities. The division incorporates a whole-systems approach and ensures alignment across focus areas, including governance, funding, student achievement, and system performance. It also provides web and information services and translation services. The division oversees communications, sector engagement, strategic planning, FIPPA requests, and change management, along with other strategic initiatives, including the department's balanced scorecard and the employee engagement strategy.

Financial and Administrative Services

Financial and Administrative Services provides leadership on financial and administrative matters for the department. Responsibilities include ensuring that the comptrollership function of the department is appropriately maintained and meets the needs for financial control accountability. The division is responsible for reporting on and safeguarding financial and physical assets. The division also provides comprehensive support services in assessing resource requirements and allocations to programs and branches, including direction and support in financial and business planning, reporting, monitoring, and control policies, processes, and procedures.

Financial management and accountability activities include coordinating the annual estimates of the department and other financial planning processes; monitoring and reporting financial performance; conducting specialized financial reviews and analyses; preparing reports to support timely financial management decisions; safeguarding physical and financial assets; and providing accounting services to the department.

The expected results include the effective and efficient operation of financial management systems, timely management decisions, as well as compliance with all financial management, financial planning, and audit requirements of the Manitoba government.