Indigenous Excellence
Mamàhtawisiwin Symposium

Manitoba’s first annual two-day Mamàhtawisiwin Symposium – The Good Life: Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being and Doing.
DATES: November 14 & 15, 2023
Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With
An Indigenous Education Policy Framework
Summary of Manitoba's Indigenous Education Policy Framework ( 184 KB)
Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With - An Indigenous Education Policy Framework ( 1.3 MB)
Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With - Tools for Reflection, Planning, and Reporting ( 525 KB)
Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With—An Indigenous Education Policy Framework was developed in collaboration with over 100 individuals from across the province, including Elders and Knowledge Keepers, students, teachers, superintendents, senior post-secondary administrators, government working groups, and community partners.
Mamàhtawisiwin supports the holistic achievements of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit learners by helping Manitoba educators to incorporate Indigenous languages, cultures, and identities into their teaching and practices, setting Indigenous students up for success in school and beyond.
The following strategies and actions within Mamàhtawisiwin will help teachers, school-based support teams, school leaders, school division/district leaders, and Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning staff to deepen their understanding and to progress along a path of truth and reconciliation in their schools, adult learning centres, post-secondary institutions, classrooms, and communities.
Authentic Involvement
- Promote Elder, Knowledge-Keeper, and community involvement.
- Promote parent, grandparent, and extended family (aunties and uncles) involvement.
Putting Students at the Centre
- Respect and listen to students.
- Employ a holistic approach to supporting students.
Understanding of World Views, Values, Identities, Traditions, and Contemporary Lifestyles
- Teach true history (including treaties and Indian Residential Schools).
- Incorporate cultural teachings, experiences, and Indigenous languages.
Inclusive and Culturally Safe Learning Environment
- Demonstrate respect for world views, values, identities, and traditions.
- Value and celebrate differences.
In keeping with our commitment to build an Indigenous-inclusive education system, the Manitoba government is pleased to release a supplement to the policy framework, entitled Mamàhtawisiwin Tools for Reflection, Planning, and Reporting.
Mamàhtawisiwin Tools for Reflection, Planning, and Reporting provides support at two levels: school division/districts and schools/classrooms.
These Mamàhtawisiwin Tools support school division/district administrators to identify priority areas for funding, professional learning, and policy development. It also provides educators and school staff with opportunities for reflection, professional learning, and a framework for reporting on progress towards the building of an Indigenous-inclusive school community.
The Tools are organized around Mamàhtawisiwin’s four policy directions (authentic involvement; putting students at the centre; understanding world views, values, identities, traditions, and contemporary lifestyles; and inclusive and culturally safe learning environments) and provide administrators and educators with a range of examples, from initial stages of ‘exploring,’ to ‘emerging,’ to ‘evolving,’ and ultimately to ‘embedding,’ as a means for reflective planning and reporting upon their work relative to the building of Indigenous-inclusive classrooms, environments, and school communities.
These tools will not only assist educators, school staff, and administrators in embedding Mamàhtawisiwin priorities into their school environments and teaching practices, but also help foster a more inclusive education system in Manitoba for all learners.
These commitments, embedded in Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With, will foster a sense of belonging in all learners so that they feel they can succeed, take responsibility, find their purpose in life, and achieve The Good Life/Mino-pimatisiwin (Ininew)/ Mino Bimaadiziwin (Anishinabemowin)/honso aynai (Dene)/tokatakiya wichoni washte (Dakota)/minopimatitheewin (Anisininimowin)/ (Inuktitut)/Miyo-pimatishiwin (Michif).