Indigenous Education
National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21, 2023

National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21 is a day to celebrate the past and present contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples to Canada.
Poster 2023 ( 2 MB)
What's New!
Residential Schools: Resources for Educators
This project is intended to encourage discussion and make progress on the path toward healing and reconciliation by providing Manitoba teachers and students with culturally appropriate resources regarding the treatment of Aboriginal people in the residential schools system.
It's Our Time: First Nations Education Tool Kit
This document is a collection of lesson plans and directives for educators who are teaching from the It’s Our Time: First Nations Education Tool Kit.
Creating Racism-Free Schools through Critical/Courageous Conversations on Race
This support document is aimed at promoting school divisions, schools, teachers, parents, and students to undertake critical and courageous conversations on racism to create inclusive and equitable classrooms and schools for First Nation Métis Inuit students and all students.
This support document provides a vision of how parents and grandparents can help prepare their children to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse society while creating local and international communities characterized by diversity, justice and equality.
Black History and Anti-racism in Canada
This new resource replaces the previous Black History Month support materials. The histories of Indigenous, Black, and Peoples of Colour are an essential, but often previously neglected, aspect of Canadian history. They are important parts of the Canadian “story.” It gives us insights into and an understanding of how Canadian and North American societies were formed and how they “work” today. As Canadians work and struggle to build a better society, knowing and appreciating the histories of Indigenous, Black, and Peoples of Colour is vital.
Black History and Anti-racism in Canada is intended to support educators in exploring and integrating Black history and anti-racism throughout the curriculum and their schools. While at times Black history in Canada was one of exclusion, and marginalization or racism it is equally important because it is a history of resistance, resiliency, and hope even in the face of impossible odds. Black history is about social justice, freedom, and the love of humanity. Black history inspires us even when we are frustrated by what seem to be the slow and painful steps that progress takes.
Strategies and Initiatives
The following area links provide more detailed information on particular strategies and initiatives within Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.
Bilingual Education and Programming in Manitoba – Questions and Answers
This support document provides information on Bilingual education and programming in Manitoba, including legislation, policies, roles and responsibilities, and curriculum development and implementation, in the form of questions and answers.
Grade 12 Current Topics in First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies: A Foundation for Implementation
This document supports the empowerment of students through the exploration of the histories, traditions, cultures, worldviews, and contemporary issues of Indigenous peoples in Canada and worldwide.
From Apology to Reconciliation: Residential School Survivors—A Guide for Grades 9 and 11 Social Studies Teachers in Manitoba
This document was developed in response to the Government of Canada’s formal apology to Indigenous people who attended residential schools. The project was created to help Manitoba students in Grades 9 and 11 understand the history of the residential school experience, its influence on contemporary Canada, and our responsibilities as Canadian citizens.
Kindergarten to Grade 12 Aboriginal Languages and Cultures: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes
This document is intended to provide the basis for Kindergarten to Grade 12 Indigenous language programming in Manitoba.
Indigenous Inclusion Directorate
The Indigenous Inclusion Directorate provides leadership and co-ordination for departmental initiatives in Indigenous education and training as part of the Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.
Indigenous Languages in Manitoba
Consultation Reports to assist in planning for the development of a provincial curriculum in Indigenous Languages.
Indigenous Perspectives
Indigenous perspectives apply to learning experiences for all students. Each subject area will address the perspectives and accomplishments of Indigenous people.
Indigenous Studies
The study of Indigenous people focuses on an understanding of Indigenous philosophies and creates an awareness of issues and events that relate to Indigenous history.