The Framework for Learning is the blueprint on which essential elements of learning and teaching in Manitoba are organized. The Framework creates one access point for educators to find curriculum and curriculum implementation resources, and to access policy and resources related to assessment, evaluation, and reporting for the English, Français, French Immersion, and Senior Years Technology Education programs.
Framework for Learning Navigation video
Framework for Learning Overview ( 2 MB)
September 2, 2024
The Manitoba Framework for Learning website serves as Manitoba’s single, modernized, online access point for Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K to 12) educators to access curriculum, assessment, evaluation, reporting, policy, and curriculum implementation resources for the four provincial school programs. This easy-to-navigate, intuitive website situates Manitoba’s Global Competencies as an integral component of all provincial curricula, along with guiding principles to support educators as they design learning experiences and assessment practices within K to 12 classrooms.
Updates to the site will be ongoing as curriculum development and renewal progresses.
To support Manitoba teachers, curriculum development, renewal and refinement follows a consistent process to ensure provincial curriculum is contemporary, relevant, inclusive and responsive to societal and technological changes. To learn more, visit the Curriculum Development page.
Through the lens of each discipline, curriculum implementation comes to life in Manitoba classrooms through learning and assessment experiences designed by teachers as they transfer their knowledge and professional learning to actionable teaching strategies that are responsive to student learning strengths and needs.