Government of Manitoba
Valuing Artistic Experience

Valuing Artistic Experience (A-V2) »
Students analyze their own and others’ artistic compositions.


Students who have achieved expectations for this level are able to

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
describe, with teacher guidance, own and others’ artworks in terms of subject matter and art elements and media

K-2 A-V2.1

describe own and others’ artworks in terms of subject matter and art elements, principles, and media, and demonstrate understanding of the differences between these components

3-4 A-V2.1

analyze, with teacher guidance, the organization of art elements in artworks

K-2 A-V2.2

analyze, with increasing independence, the organization of art elements in artworks

3-4 A-V2.2

Appendix F: Sample Analytical Questions
demonstrate understanding that noticing details enhances thinking about and enjoyment of artworks

K-4 A-V2.4


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Sample questions to help children analyze artistic composition

The following questions may be appropriate to use when observing and discussing artworks with children. Students should first take time to look closely and think about, draw or describe the work in some detail; if students are cognizant of what elements are active in the work, they are better prepared to think about how the elements have been organized by the artist.

Focus on only one or two questions per session and choose questions that are suitable to the work students will view. As your students become more confident with this level of discussion, they should be encouraged to participate in the selection of questions. Eventually, students will be able to both ask and answer appropriate analytical questions whenever they encounter works of art that interest them.

Sample Questions:
  • Which colours did the artist use the most? Which colour did the artist use least? Which stand out the most, and why do you think so?
  • Which shapes are repeated or echoed in the work? Which shapes are similar and which are different from all the rest?
  • What other elements are repeated (lines, textures, etc.)? Which are varied?
  • What is the focal point? That is, which one thing attracts your eye the most? Which elements did the artist arrange to make that one thing stand out?
  • As your eyes move around in the work, where do they go? Does the artist lead your eyes on a path? Do others follow it in the same way?
  • How has the artist divided up the space of the picture? Are things spread out or are they grouped closely in one particular area?
  • Are elements in the art work balanced symmetrically or asymmetrically?