Sequential Forms:
- binary (AB)
- ternary (ABA)
- rondo (ABACADA…)
- call and response
- narrative (ABCDE…) with introductions and codas
- theme and variation (A1A2A3A4…)
- dancescapes (open/free)
Overlapping Forms:
- ostinato patterns
- canonic movement of increasing difficulty
- multi-part counter movement forms
- fugue
Visual Designs:
- body shape
- space and air pathways
- symmetry and asymmetry
- representation and abstraction
Altering Devices:
- add or subtract
- reverse or inver
- direction
- focus or face
- level
- dimensio
- tempo
- rhythm
- quality or effort action
- position
- solo
- duet
- trio
- quartet
- small and large groups
Group Movement:
- unison
- sequential
- succession
- opposition
- complementary
- unity
- variety
- repetition
- contrast
- sequence
- climax
- proportion
- harmony
- balance
- transition