Kindergarten to Grade 4 English Language Arts: A Foundation for Implementation
Implementation Overview: K-4
The Implementation Overview includes the following sections:
The Early Years Learner and the Learning Environment includes the concept of emergent literacy; developmentally appropriate teaching practices for Kindergarten to Grade 4; creating literacy-rich learning environments; the value of imaginative play; and how to nurture the will to learn.
- Reading at Home / Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Practice in the Early Years / Language Instruction and Cognitive Development
- Creating a Caring Community of Learners / Enhancing Development of Learning
Creating a Literacy-Rich Environment
- Appropriate Teaching Strategies
- Teaching Literacy through Imaginative Play / Nurturing the Will to Learn
Literacy Learning through the Six Language Arts includes the importance of classroom talk to promote listening and speaking; phases of language learning; common processes in the six language arts; viewing and representing, language cueing systems; and seven dynamic processes of literacy learning.
- Classroom Talk: The Importance of Listening and Speaking / Three Types of Language Learning / Phases of Language Arts Learning
- Dynamic Processes in Literacy Learning / Common Processes in the Six Language Arts / Viewing and Representing
- Language Cueing Systems / What Do Students Need for Success in Language Arts Learning?
English Language Arts Instruction includes the importance of reflection and metacognitive processing; teacher scaffolding and the gradual release of responsibility model; strategic learning; and a discussion of what students need to be successful in language arts learning.
- The Importance of Reflection and Metacognitive Processing / Promoting Strategic Learning for All Students / Scaffolding: Supporting Students in Strategic Learning
English Language Arts Classroom Assessment includes an overview of classroom assessment that assists learning and informs instruction.
- Meaningful Assessment / The Teachers Role in Assessment / Assessment Purposes and Audiences / Principles of Classroom-Based Assessment / Classroom-Based Assessment and the Seven Language Arts Standards
Planning for Instruction and Classroom Assessment Using Learning Outcomes provides assistance in reading student learning outcomes and discusses approaches to planning with learning outcomes.
- Reading the Learning Outcomes
- Planning with Learning Outcomes
- Sample: An Inquiry Planning Model / Summary of Key Steps in Results-Based Planning