English Language Arts
Curriculum Supports in English Language Arts
Curriculum Documents
Kindergarten to Grade 12 English Language Arts Curriculum Framework (September 2020)
The latest iteration of the English Language Arts Curriculum Framework is available.
Senior Years Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and Standards
- Senior 1 English Language Arts Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and Senior 1 Standards
- Senior 2 English Language Arts Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes
- Senior 3 English Language Arts Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes
- Senior 4 English Language Arts Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and Senior 4 Standards
Overviews of the Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and Standards documents. The complete documents cannot be posted online due to copyright restrictions.
A Foundation for Implementation
The foundation for implementation documents serve as a support to teachers and other educators as they implement the Manitoba Curriculum Frameworks of Outcomes and Standards (1996 – 2000). They identify the prescribed general and specific student learning outcomes by grade from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Tutorial: How to use the ELA Foundation for Implementation ( 1.5 MB)
Additional Senior 4 Curriculum Documents
These documents identify general and specific learning outcomes. In addition, they provide suggestions for implementation.
Note: Two additional optional curricula have not been revised and continued to be based on the 1987 English language arts curriculum. They include the following:
- Senior 4 ELA: Language and Literary Forms
- Senior 4 ELA: Language and Transactional Forms
Language and Literacy Supports
- A Time for Learning, A Time for Joy: A Resource for Kindergarten Teachers (2015) (
12 MB)
The purpose of this resource is to provide Kindergarten teachers and school leaders with a play-based pedagogical approach to Manitoba’s Kindergarten curriculum. This resource is practical and inspiring, developmentally appropriate, engaging of families, and congruent with children’s early learning experiences prior to school entry. It is intended to assist early years teachers in providing young children with a rich and stimulating environment that promotes growth and learning by emphasizing play-based learning, intentional teaching, and an integrated approach to early childhood education. - Listening and Speaking: First Steps into Literacy: A Support Document for Kindergarten Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists (2008)
The purpose of this document is to help Kindergarten teachers and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) enhance the oral language of all Kindergarten children within the playful literacy learning work and talk of the Kindergarten classroom. Please note that Chapter 1 does not reflect the change in curriculum to the English Language Arts Curriculum Framework: A Living Document (2020). - Reading and Writing in Action (2006)
This teacher support document and resource for instruction and classroom-based assessment consists of two vignettes that are windows into two different Grade 8 classroom learning communities. The learning/teaching contexts and strategies referenced in the vignettes are included at the end of this document to assist teachers in planning for the specific next steps in the students’ learning journeys. Please note that this document does not reflect the change in curriculum to the English Language Arts Curriculum Framework: A Living Document (2020). - Helping Your Child Learn to Read: A Parent's Guide (2004)
This parent guide presents information about the reading process and describes strategies to assist parents in reading aloud and shared reading at home. - Me Read? No Way! A practical guide to improving boys' literacy skills (2004)
This guide for teachers is to support student success in literacy. Based on an international review of effective practices, this guide is intended to stimulate discussion of this important issue among educators. It is important to consider this within the context of the English Language Arts Curriculum Framework: A Living Document (2020).
Assessment Supports
- Recovery Learning in Literacy : Kindergarten to Grade 2 (2020)
This guide helps teachers to informally observe learners as readers, writers, and speakers to design the most appropriate learning opportunities for their students based on what their needs are at a particular point in time. It is important to consider this within the context of the English Language Arts Curriculum Framework: A Living Document (2020