Recovery Learning in Literacy
Kindergarten to Grade 2

Comprehensive assessment that is based on careful and systematic observation helps teachers to design the most appropriate learning opportunities for their students based on what their needs are at that particular point in time.
Assessment need not be formal, but it should be ongoing in order to account for the rapid changes in children’s literacy development when they are provided with rich learning experiences. Young children are constantly learning, provided time is spent reading and writing continuous texts in a supportive environment.
Assessment leads to appropriate instructional support that is provided to emergent and developing literacy learners. The students build competencies through expressing oral language, reading text, and creating text when the contexts
- are meaningful
- have authentic and purposeful design
- build on the learners' strengths
- acknowledge the role of oral language, reading, and writing through play-based and inquiry-based learning environments
Recovery Learning in Literacy : Kindergarten to Grade 2 ( 857 KB)