Math Tool Kits: Tools to Support Thinking and Learning in the Early Years Mathematics Classroom


Math Tool Kits: Tools to Support Thinking and Learning in the Early Years Mathematics Classroom

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Math Tool Kits: Tools to Support Thinking and Learning in the Early Years Mathematics Classroom (12.5 MB)

Math Tool Kits: Tools to Support Thinking and Learning in the Early Years Mathematics Classroom is a resource that contains a selection of blackline masters that can be used in Early Years mathematics classrooms. The resource includes suggestions regarding the blackline masters and concrete math manipulatives that can be included in individual student tool kits so that students have readily available tools to support their thinking and learning as they develop skills such as problem solving, reasoning, visualizing, communicating, and making connections with mathematical concepts. The resource also presents some ideas on how to use the manipulatives and blackline masters to support student thinking and learning.

New Blackline Masters (BLMs) List (not in Math Tool Kit document)

Blackline Masters (BLMs) List

BLM Visual Sample
Base Ten Blocks (253 KB) Blackline Master of Base Ten Blocks
Dice (24 KB) Blackline Master of dice
Dominoes (Total of Pips to Ten) (24 KB) Blackline Master of Dominoes (Total of Pips to Ten)
Dot Array (18 KB) Blackline Master of Dot Array
Five Frames Blackline Master of Five Frames
Missing Part Cards (95 KB) Blackline Master of Missing Part Cards
Number Charts Blackline Master of Number Charts
Number Lines (Horizontal) Blackline Master of Number Lines (Horizontal)
Number Fans and Paddles Blackline Master of Number Fans and Paddles
Number Path Blackline Master of Number Path
Number Words and Numerals Blackline Master of Number Words and Numerals
Number Words and Ten Frame Path (26 KB) Blackline Master of Number Words and Ten Frame Path
Numeral Cards Blackline Master of Numeral Cards
Operation Symbols (18 KB) Blackline Master of Operation Symbols
Place Value Pockets Blackline Master of Place Value Pockets
Representation of Ten Frame with Numeral and Word (1-10) Blackline Master of Representation of Ten Frame with Numeral and Word (1-10)
Representation to 20 Cards Blackline Master of Representation to 20 Cards
Subitizing Cards - Dot Patterns Blackline Master of  Subitizing Cards - Dot Patterns
Subitizing Cards - Finger Patterns (354 KB) Blackline Master of Subitizing Cards - Finger Patterns
Subitizing Cards - Matching (1-10) (52 KB) Blackline Master of Subitizing Cards - Matching (1-10)
Ten Frames Blackline Master of Ten Frames