This section contains the modules and resource masters for the Physical Activity Practicum and Fitness Management components of the Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles curriculum.
Each module presents suggested lessons that identify the specific learning outcomes, key understandings, and essential questions, provide background information, offer suggestions for instruction/assessment, present references to assist teachers with planning for instruction. Lessons also include suggested resource masters.
Modules and Resource Masters
Module A: Physical Activity Practicum |
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Excel  |
Complete Module A: Physical Activity Practicum |
Lesson 1: Personal Physical Activity Inventory |
RM 1-PA: Personal Physical Activity Inventory: Current Participation (Word and Excel) |
RM 2-PA: Personal Physical Activity Inventory: Choices for an Active Life |
Lesson 2: Safety and Risk Management Planning |
RM 3–PA: Physical Activity Inventory (Word and Excel) |
RM 4–PA: Risk-Management Plan |
Lesson 3: Implementing the Physical Activity Plan |
RM 5–PA: Personal Physical Activity Plan |
RM 6–PA: Sample Cover Letter for Physical Activity Practicum |
RM 7–PA: Physical Activity Log (Word and Excel) |
RM 8–PA: Sample Sign-off Form for Completion of OUT-of-Class Physical Activity Practicum (Form for Parent/Guardian) |
RM 9–PA: Sample Sign-off Form for Completion of OUT-of-Class Physical Activity Practicum (Form for Authorized Adult) |
Module B: Fitness Management |
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Excel  |
Complete Module B: Fitness Management |
Lesson 1: Making and Continuing Change: A Personal Investment |
RM 1-FM: Physical Activity Experiences: Review and Reflect Questionnaire |
RM 2-FM: Strategies for Change |
RM 3-FM: Steps to Goal Setting |
RM 4-FM: Goal Manager (Excel) |
Lesson 2: Health and Fitness Trends |
Lesson 3: Exercise and Fitness Myths and Misconceptions |
RM 5–FM: Exercise and Fitness Development Investigation: Myth or Fact? |
Lesson 4: Health and Fitness Advertising |
Lesson 5: Becoming an Informed Fitness Consumer |
Module C: Nutrition |
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Complete Module C: Nutrition |
Lesson 1: Energy Intake |
RM 1–NU: Food Guide Servings Analyzer (and Answer Key) |
RM 2–NU: A Guide to Food Guide Serving Sizes |
RM 3–NU: How Do I Measure Up? |
Lesson 2: Energy Expenditure |
RM 4–NU: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Calculator (Excel) |
RM 5–NU: Energy Expenditure of Physical Activities (Excel) |
RM 6–NU: Determining Daily Physical Activity Intensities |
Lesson 3: Energy Balance |
RM 7–NU: Find the Fat |
RM 8–NU: Some Lifestyle Choices Lead to Energy Imbalance — How Does It Happen? |
RM 9–NU: My Lifestyle Choices and Energy Balance |
Lesson 4: Food Safety |
RM 10–NU: Safe Food Guidelines |
RM 11–NU: Food Safety Errors: Case Studies (and Answer Key) |
Lesson 5: Advertising and Marketing Strategy Influences on Food Purchases |
RM 12–NU: Food Label Dictionary |
Lesson 6: Food and Nutrition Myths and Misconceptions Related to Physical Activity and Sport Performance |
RM 13–NU: Sport Nutrition Investigation: Myth or Fact? |
Module D: Personal and Social Development |
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Excel  |
Complete Module D: Personal and Social Development |
Lesson 1: Effective Teams |
Lesson 2: Team-Building and Communication Skills |
RM 1–PS: Process Observation Report Form |
Lesson 3: Leadership Skills |
RM 2–PS: Leadership Questionnaire |
RM 3–PS: Survival Game Questionnaire (and Interpretation of Results) |
Module E: Healthy Relationships |
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Complete Module E: Healthy Relationships |
Lesson 1: Understanding Healthy Relationships |
RM 1–HR: Relationship Values |
RM 2–HR: Reflecting on Relationships |
Lesson 2: Rights and Responsibilities in Healthy Relationships |
RM 3–HR: Bill of Rights and Responsibilities |
Lesson 3: Unhealthy and Abusive Relationships |
RM 4–HR: Troubles in Paradise |
RM 5–HR: Relation Shifts: Case Studies |
RM 6-HR: Assertive Communication Tips |
Lesson 4: Community Supports and Services |
Appendix F: Sample Assessment Tools and Checklists |
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Sample Checklist for Assessment of Final Complete/Incomplete Designation |
Sample Tracking Form for Module Completion |
Sample Fitness Portfolio Reflection Sheet |
Sample Portfolio Rubric |
Sample Physical Activity Practicum: Student-Teacher Conference Report |
Appendix G: Common Planning Tools and Forms |
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Excel  |
Sample School Questionnaire for Planning to Implement Grades 11 and 12 Physical Education/Health Education |
Planning for Inclusion in Physical Education/Health Education |
Outcome Planner |
Lesson Planner |