Physical Education/Health Education
Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes for Active Healthy Lifestyles
Fitness Management
Personal and Social Management
Healthy Lifestyle Practices
Grade 3
Movement (Grade 3)
Show an understanding of how the movement patterns should be performed
(e.g., opposite foot forward to throwing hand; two-foot take-off and landing in
K.1.2.B.1 Show an understanding that personal attitudes
(e.g., willingness to try, level of involvement, desire to learn...)
affect skill development and success
Recognize concepts relating to force (i.e., body alignment, application
of force, addition of forces) in pulling, pushing, and carrying activities(e.g.,
carrying a mat together, rope-pulling...)
Design a movement sequence (e.g., run/jump/land/roll sequence...) incorporating
directions, levels, pathways, and planes (e.g., creative gymnastics, hoop
Balance objects (e.g., beanbags, balls...) using
different body parts (e.g., hands, shoulders, foot...) while
travelling alone and/or in partner activities
Show an understanding of the qualities of speed (e.g., fast and slow...),
force (e.g., strong and light...), and flow (e.g., free
and bound...) in movement
Show an understanding for mirroring and matching movements
with a partner in a stationary position and/or while moving (e.g.,
"follow the leader"...)
Show an understanding of fundamental rules used in individual or partner games and
activities (e.g., make up a game and share it with a partner...)
Recognize movement vocabulary (e.g., hop, skip, spin, deke, dodge,
counter-clockwise...) when following directions related to simple games and
activities (e.g., obstacle courses...)
Recognize the basic concepts (e.g., invading, getting possession, keeping
possession, scoring...) of simple territory/invasion games/activities
Demonstrate an understanding of how positive and negative social behaviours
(e.g., sharing, showing respect, fairness, honesty, cheating, lying...) may affect
the outcome of an activity
Demonstrate proficiency in basic transport skills (i.e.,
running, hopping, galloping, jumping, skipping)
Demonstrate competency in basic manipulation skills (i.e., rolling,
underhand and overhand throwing, catching, bouncing, striking, kicking, dribbling a ball
using feet)
Demonstrate competency in soft and balanced landings from developmentally
appropriate heights (e.g., floor, bench, low beam, jumping box...)
S.1.2.B.1 Use
basic movement skills (e.g., hopping, rolling, underhand throwing...)
and concepts (i.e., body and space awareness, relationships)
in creating cooperative and/or low-competitive games with partners
or in small groups (e.g., hopscotch, playing catch with a partner,
simple target games...)
S.1.2.B.2 Use
basic movement skills (e.g., running, catching...) and concepts
in cooperative and/or low-competitive group games (e.g., dodging
activities, tag games...)
S.1.2.B.3 Set
up and manage own games (e.g., skipping games, target games, hopscotch...)
S.1.1.C.1 Demonstrate
functional use of basic movement skills (e.g., hopping, jumping,
kicking...) and equipment in outdoor activities and/or special
events (e.g., hopscotch, rope skipping, snow soccer, tabloids,
cultural theme days, Aboriginal games...)
Create rhythmic sequences using transport skills (e.g., walk, jump,
step-hop, stamp, slide...) alone and/or with others (e.g., jump-rope
activities, aerobics, creative movement...)
S.1.2.D.2 Demonstrate
functional use of basic movement skills (i.e., transport, manipulation,
balance), applying movement concepts (e.g., body and space
awareness...) to gymnastic-type activities (e.g., balancing
on different body parts, swinging and circling small hand apparatus...)
Fitness Management (Grade 3)
Discuss exercises and physical activities associated with health-related fitness
components (e.g., running develops endurance of the heart, jumping activities
develop muscular strength and endurance of the leg muscles...)
Recognize that the body needs sustained or intermittent vigorous physical activity
to improve the strength of the heart and lungs (e.g., running, skipping, cycling,
swimming, soccer to accumulate at least 10 to 15 minutes of vigorous activity each day...)
Show an understanding of the location, size, and function of the heart (e.g.,
in the chest area, size of a fist, pumps blood...)
Identify short-term effects of exercise/physical activity
on the body (e.g., pulse rate increases, shortness of breath,
body temperature increases, perspiration occurs, fatigue sets in...)
K.2.5.C.2 Show
an understanding of the factors (e.g., planning, regular participation,
effort, adequate information, motivation, commitment, regular monitoring...)
affecting personal fitness development
K.2.2.C.3 Recognize
that proper warm-up activities (i.e., light aerobic activity,
stretching exercises) prepare muscles for vigorous activities
(e.g., warm-up activities increase blood circulation and elasticity
of muscles and ligaments...)
Identify personal factors (e.g., interests, personal success, previous
experiences, type of activities, developmental rates...) that influence physical
activity participation and build self-confidence
Participate in exercises/activities that increase flexibility, muscular strength,
and muscular endurance
Maintain participation in moderate to vigorous activity that
contributes to aerobic capacity for short (e.g., intermittent...)
and longer periods of time (e.g., sustained...)
S.2.2.A.2 Determine
own degree of exertion through simple methods (e.g., put hand
on chest to feel increase in heart rate, "talk test"...)
while participating in physical activities
Record participation in daily physical activities (e.g., at home, at
school, in the community...) over a period of time (e.g., a week, a
day...) to determine level of physical activity participation
Safety (Grade 3)
Show an understanding of risk factors and safe practices associated with selected
physical activities, including lead-up-type territorial/invasion- type games
(e.g., no body contact in lead-up games such as soccer, no slapshots or high-sticking in
floor hockey...)
Recognize appropriate body alignment during specific activities (e.g.,
lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling...)
K.3.2.A.3 Identify
the reasons for appropriate clothing and footwear for participation
in physical activity (e.g., change of clothing for safety, support,
comfort, and freedom of movement; removal of jewellery for physical
activities; personal hygiene...)
K.3.2.A.4 Show
an understanding of general and specific safety guidelines and behaviours
(e.g., change-room routines, appropriate permitted heights on climbing
frame, carrying heavy equipment such as benches, size of equipment...)
that are appropriate for own age and ability
K.3.2.A.5a Identify the basic
safety rules for selected physical activity settings (e.g., school
field trips,Terry Fox walk/run, skating activity, pow wows, winter
K.3.2.A.5b Identify
safety rules, signals, and practices to follow when riding a bicycle
(e.g., obeying traffic signs, right/left/ stop signals, helmet use,
mechanical workings...)
Identify general safety procedures related to safety in the community (i.e.,
fire drills, stop/drop/roll, bus loading and evacuating, crosswalk procedures, wearing
seatbelts, railway crossings, train tracks, firearms, wearing floatation devices)
Recognize roles of individuals in school and community who
provide safety services (e.g., school staff, cross-walk patrols,
police officers, block parents, firefighters, doctors, nurses, elders,
ski patrols, snowmobile patrols, forest rangers, coast guards...)
Identify examples of real violence (e.g., schoolyard
fights, shaking baby, bullying...) and fictional violence
(e.g., cartoons, movies, television, wrestling, video games...),
and their influence on well-being
Identify strategies (e.g., say "no" assertively,
seek adult help, choose good friends, follow safe routes home, communicate
whereabouts, get away/stay away, conflict resolution skills...)
to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
Identify ways to avoid dangerous and/or inappropriate situations
for self and/or others in a variety of contexts (e.g., unwanted
touching of the private parts, sex-related Internet sites, exploitative
S.3.K.A.1 Follow
simple rules and routines for safe, active participation and use of
equipment (e.g., follow instructions, stop on signal, cooperate
with others, care for and share equipment, tag lightly...) in selected
S.3.4.A.2 Demonstrate
practices to assist an injured person (i.e., get help, explain
what you saw, avoid contact with body fluids of others, do not try
to move the injured person)
Personal and Social Management (Grade 3)
Identify the importance of showing consideration for self and others, and for
individual differences (i.e., language, ideas, abilities, physical
Differentiate between long-term goals (e.g., strong bones, class
projects...) and short- term goals (e.g., meet recommended daily
requirements of milk/milk products, daily homework assignments...)
Discuss how attributes (i.e., determination, being responsible, staying
on task) and desires (i.e., willingness to help, motivation to
participate or contribute) affect personal progress and achievement
Explore the steps in the decison-making/ problem-solving process (e.g.,
define topic or issue, explore alternatives, check and consider health knowledge and
values, identify possible solutions, decide, evaluate...)
Describe the behaviours (e.g., accepting everyone into the group,
inviting others to play or participate, no put-downs, recognizing feelings of others...)
that show respect for the abilities and feelings of others
Talk about personal participation and responsibility in cooperative play and
teamwork for appreciation of diversity (e.g., willingness to play and work with
others, acceptance of individual differences, motivation to contribute, dealing with
Identify appropriate and inappropriate ways (e.g.,
talking/crying, calm voice/loud voice, acceptable language/offensive
language, cheering/booing...) of communicating emotions
Recognize the importance (e.g., feeling of belonging, affiliation, learn
from each other...) of friends and groups that are safe and dependable
Recognize anger triggers for self and others (e.g.,
name-calling, feeling inadequate, being reprimanded...),
and strategies to reduce, control, or avoid anger
(e.g., seek someone to talk to, take timeout, participate in a diversion
activity, engage in physical exercise...) in emotional situations
Show an understanding of the steps in a conflict-resolution
process (i.e., identify the goal; identify constraints, limiting
conditions, and possible options; choose best option; evaluate for
Identify mediation skills (e.g., allow person to
express opinions, summarize other person's point of view, recognize
feelings of others...) that can be used as part of the conflict-resolution
Recognize verbal and non-verbal behaviours associated with assertiveness
(e.g., saying "no" with a firm voice...)
S.4.1.A.1 Set
simple short-term goals and participate in strategies for goal attainment
(e.g., running without stopping for one minute, listening attentively
to the teacher reading a book, completing a task...)
Use the steps in the decision-making/ problem-solving process, with emphasis on
seeking relevant knowledge related to simple and everyday-living topics or issues (e.g.,
choosing to play an active, safe game at recess; including everyone in a game; following
class rules...)
Demonstrate behaviours (e.g.,use appropriate body language, make
encouraging remarks, ask questions, help others, include others in conversation or
play...) that show respect for the abilities and feelings of others in small-group
class activities
Demonstrate the use of mediation strategies as part of a conflict-resolution
process in different case scenarios (e.g., recess play, class
disagreements, calling own fouls in a game...)
Healthy Lifestyle Practices (Grade 3)
K.5.2.A.1 Identify the daily habits and responsibilities
for leading a physically active and healthy life (e.g., self-regulation
relative to practising daily health routines for cleanliness, rest,
healthy eating, good posture...)
K.5.2.A.2 Identify common communicable diseases/illness/conditions
(e.g., colds, flu, pink-eye, head lice...) in the classroom and
home, and ways to prevent the spread of disease/illness/ conditions
(e.g., cover mouth when sneezing or coughing, wash hands regularly,
share food appropriately, use own hair utensils and headwear...)
K.5.2.A.3 Assess
personal dental care habits and identify ways to promote dental health
for self and/or others
K.5.2.B.1 Identify
the health benefits (i.e., better health, posture, balance, self-esteem,
healthy weight, stronger muscles and bones) of participating in
regular physical activity (e.g., accumulating more than 60 minutes
and up to several hours a day of physical activity...)
K.5.2.B.2 Identify
opportunities (e.g., during physical education class, recess,
lunch hour, before/after school, on weekends...) to be active daily,
alone or with family and others
K.5.2.B.3 Identify
how automation and information technology (e.g., computers, video
games, television, telecommunications...) have an impact on participation
in physical activity
K.5.2.C.1a Differentiate
between "everyday" and "sometime" foods in Canada's
Food Guide to Healthy Eating
K.5.2.C.1b Identify
the function of a variety of food groups for growth and development
(e.g., foods that help the body go, glow, and grow...)
K.5.2.C.2 Identify
the need for daily food and fluid to support physical activity
Identify and describe the potential dangers associated with substance use (e.g.,
medicines, vitamins, tobacco, alcohol, solvents, gasoline, cleaning supplies, glue, street
drugs...) in the community
Identify helpful and/or harmful substances (i.e.,
vitamins, medicines, tobacco, alcohol) and their effects on
a healthy body (e.g., vitamins help build body tissues; medicines
fight germs and/or reduce pain; nicotine in tobacco affects circulatory
system and nervous system; first- and second-hand tobacco smoke affects
lungs and may cause cancer; consuming or inhaling vapours from dangerous
products harms the body or causes death...)
Recognize the factors (e.g., peer pressure, media influence...)
that can influence making decisions regarding substance use (i.e., smoking)
Use avoidance and assertiveness skills (e.g., avoid
taking medicines or non- medicinal products without supervision; do
not touch or play with harmful substances such as poisons, medicines,
cigarettes, solvents; say "no" to use of harmful substances...)
in scenarios related to potentially dangerous situations