Physical Education/Health Education
Human Sexuality
A Resource for Kindergarten to Grade 8 Physical Education/Health Education
The specific sections of this document are available for download as MS-Word™ files .
Note: All copyrighted items in the MS-Word™ version have been deleted. Notes indicating that the copyrighted items are available in the PDF version have been placed in the appropriate pages.
Specific Sections of the Document
Cover Page ( 63 KB)
Title and ISBN (27 KB)
Acknowledgements (35 KB)
Contents (30 KB)
Introduction (124 KB)
Cluster of Learning Outcomes (29 KB)
Lesson 1: My Body (80 KB)
Lesson 2: Privacy (81 KB)
Blackline Masters
Grade 2
Cluster of Learning Outcomes (34 KB)
Lesson 1: Growing (Part 1) (80 KB)
Lesson 1: Growing (Part 2) (114 KB)
Lesson 2: What Makes Me Special (90 KB)
Lesson 3: Emotions and Support (Part 1) (448 KB)
Lesson 3: Emotions and Support (Part 2) (84 KB)
Lesson 4: Privacy and Language (Part 1) (78 KB)
Lesson 4: Privacy and Language (Part 2) (80 KB)
Blackline Masters
Grade 5
Cluster of Learning Outcomes (31 KB)
Lesson 1: Reproductive Systems (96 KB)
Lesson 2: Puberty (96 KB)
Lesson 3: Sexuality and Gender Roles (89 KB)
Lesson 4: HIV/AIDS (88 KB)
Lesson 5: Decision Making (96 KB)
Blackline Masters
My Grade 5 Journal/Learning Log (380 KB)
Grade 7
Cluster of Learning Outcomes (34 KB)
Lesson 1: Reproductive Systems (95 KB)
Lesson 2: Adjusting to Puberty (96 KB)
Lesson 3: Decision Making and Supports (118 KB)
Lesson 4: Social Influences (83 KB)
Lesson 5: Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS (95 KB)
Blackline Masters
My Grade 7 Journal/Learning Log (410 KB)
Appendix A: School Division Planning Process for Treatment of Potentially Sensitive Content (38 KB)
Appendix B: General Blackline Masters (26 KB)
Appendix C: Resource Masters (97 KB)
Appendix D: Information for Parents (26 KB)
Appendix E: Websites for Educators, Parents, and Youth (45 KB)
Bibliography (66 KB)
Blackline Masters available in Adobe PDF and MS-Word
BLM Kindergarten Title Page (44 KB)
BLM Grade 2 Title Page (44 KB)
BLM Grade 5 Title Page (44 KB)
BLM Grade 7 Title Page (45 KB)
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