
Grade 5 Science Learning Outcomes

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Maintaining a Healthy Body
Properties of and Changes in Substances
Forces and Simple Machines

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
5-0-1A Formulate, with guidance, specific questions that lead to investigations.
Include: rephrase questions to a testable form, focus research questions
GLO: A1, C2
5-0-1B Identify various methods for finding the answer to a specific question and, with guidance, select one to implement.
Examples: generating experimental data, accessing information from a variety of sources
5-0-1C Identify practical problems to solve.
Examples: How can I determine the mass of air? Which prepared pizza should I buy?
5-0-1D Identify various methods to solve a practical problem and select and justify one to implement.
Examples: constructing and testing a prototype, evaluating consumer products, accessing information from a variety of sources
5-0-2A Access information using a variety of sources.
Examples: libraries, magazines, community resource people, outdoor experiences, videos, CD-ROMS, Internet
5-0-2B Review information to determine its usefulness using pre-determined criteria. GLO: C6, C8
5-0-2C Record information in own words and reference sources appropriately. GLO: C6
5-0-3A Formulate, with guidance, a prediction/hypothesis that identifies a cause and effect relationship. GLO: A2, C2
5-0-3B Identify variables that have an impact on their experiments, and, with guidance, variables to hold constant to ensure a fair test. GLO: A2, C2
5-0-3C Create a written plan to answer a specific question.
Include: apparatus, materials, safety considerations, and steps to follow
GLO: C1, C2
5-0-3D Develop criteria to evaluate a prototype or consumer product.
Include: function, aesthetics, efficient use of materials, cost, reliability
5-0-3E Create a written plan to solve a problem.
Include: materials, safety considerations, labelled diagrams of top and side views, steps to follow
GLO: C1, C3, C6
5-0-4A Carry out, with guidance, procedures that comprise a fair test.
Include: controlling variables, repeating measurements to increase accuracy and reliability
5-0-4B Construct a prototype. GLO: C3
5-0-4C Work cooperatively with group members to carry out a plan, and troubleshoot problems as they arise. GLO: C7
5-0-4D Assume various roles and share responsibilities as group members. GLO: C7
5-0-4E Use tools and materials in a manner that ensures personal safety and the safety of others.
Include: keeping an uncluttered workspace, putting equipment away after its use, handling glassware with care
5-0-5A Make observations that are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
5-0-5B Test a prototype or consumer product with respect to pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
5-0-5C Select and use tools and instruments to observe, measure, and construct.
Include: balance, thermometer, spring scale, weather instruments
GLO: C2, C3, C5
5-0-5D Evaluate the appropriateness of units and measuring tools in practical contexts. GLO: C2, C5
5-0-5E Estimate and measure mass/weight, length, volume, and temperature using SI and other standard units. GLO: C2, C5
5-0-5F Record and organize observations in a variety of ways.
Examples: point-form notes, sentences, labelled diagrams, charts, ordered lists of data, frequency diagrams, spreadsheets
GLO: C2, C6
5-0-6A Construct graphs to display data, and interpret and evaluate these and other graphs.
Examples: bar graphs, frequency tallies, line plots, broken line graphs
GLO: C2, C6
5-0-6C Identify and suggest explanations for patterns and discrepancies in data. GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5
5-0-6D Identify and make improvements to a prototype and explain the rationale for the improvement. GLO: C3, C4
5-0-6E Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a consumer product based on pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C4
5-0-6F Evaluate the methods used to answer a question or solve a problem. GLO: C2, C3
5-0-7A Draw, with guidance, a conclusion that explains investigation results.
Include: explaining patterns in data, supporting or rejecting a prediction/hypothesis
GLO: A1, A2, C2
5-0-7B Base conclusions on evidence rather than preconceived ideas or hunches. GLO: C2, C4
5-0-7C Identify, with guidance, a new prediction/hypothesis based on results of investigations. GLO: A1, C2
5-0-7D Propose and justify a solution to the initial problem. GLO: C3
5-0-7E Identify new practical problems to solve. GLO: C3
5-0-7F Use prior knowledge and experiences selectively to make sense of new information in a variety of contexts. GLO: A2, C4
5-0-7G Communicate methods, results, conclusions, and new knowledge in a variety of ways.
Examples: oral, written, multi-media presentations
5-0-7H Identify, with guidance, connections between the investigation results and everyday life. GLO: C4
5-0-8A Recognize that science is a way of answering questions about the world and that there are questions that science cannot answer. GLO: A1, A3
5-0-8B Identify examples of scientific knowledge that have developed as a result of the gradual accumulation of evidence. GLO: A2
5-0-8C Recognize that technology is a way of solving problems in response to human needs. GLO: A3, B2
5-0-8D Provide examples of technologies from the past and describe how they have evolved over time. GLO: B1
5-0-8E Describe hobbies and careers related to science and technology. GLO: B4
5-0-8F Recognize that science is organized into specialized disciplines. GLO: A1, B4
5-0-8G Describe positive and negative effects of scientific and technological endeavours.
Include: effects on themselves, society, the environment, and the economy.
GLO: A1, B1, B3, B5
5-0-9A Appreciate that women and men of diverse cultural backgrounds can contribute equally to science. GLO: A4
5-0-9B Show interest in the activities of individuals working in scientific and technological fields. GLO: B4
5-0-9C Demonstrate confidence in their ability to carry out investigations in science and technology. GLO: C5
5-0-9D Appreciate the importance of creativity, accuracy, honesty, and perseverance as scientific and technological habits of mind. GLO: C5
5-0-9E Be sensitive to and develop a sense of responsibility for the welfare of other humans, other living things, and the environment. GLO: B5
5-0-9F Frequently and thoughtfully evaluate the potential consequences of their actions. GLO: B5, C4

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Maintaining a Healthy Body
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
5-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of human health.
Include: nutrients; carbohydrates; proteins; fats; vitamins; minerals; Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating; food group; serving size; terms related to the digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, integumentory, respiratory, and circulatory systems
GLO: B3, C6, D1
5-1-02 Interpret nutritional information found on food labels.
Examples: ingredient proportions, identification of potential allergens, information related to energy content and nutrients
GLO: B3, C4, C5, C8
5-1-03 Describe the types of nutrients in foods and their function in maintaining a healthy body.
Include: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals
GLO: B3, D1
5-1-04 Evaluate a daily menu plan and suggest changes to make it align more closely with Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating.
Include: serving size recommendations according to age for each food group
GLO: B3, C3, C4, C8
5-1-05 Evaluate prepared food products using the design process.
Examples: frozen pizza, snack foods, beverages
GLO: B3, C3, C4, C8
5-1-06 Identify the major components of the digestive system, and describe its role in the human body.
Include: teeth, mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines break down food
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-07 Identify the major components of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, and describe the role of each system in the human body.
Include: the skeleton provides protection and support; muscles, tendons, and ligaments enable movement; brain, spinal cord, and nerves receive sensory input, process information, and send out signals
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-08 Identify skin as the major component of the integumentory system, and describe its role in protecting and supporting the human body. GLO: D1, E2
5-1-09 Identify components of the human body's defenses against infections, and describe their role in defending the body against infection.
Include: tears, saliva, skin, white blood cells
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-10 Identify the major components of the respiratory and circulatory systems, and describe the role of each system in the human body.
Include: the nose, trachea, and lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide; the heart, blood vessels, and blood transport oxygen, nutrients, and waste products such as carbon dioxide
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-11 Describe how the human body gets rid of waste.
Include: kidneys filter blood and dispose of waste as urine; lungs give off waste carbon dioxide; the rectum collects and expels undigested food matter
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-12 Give examples of how systems of the human body work together.
Examples: the circulatory system transports nutrients from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system to the muscular system
GLO: D1, E2
5-1-13 Identify and describe factors necessary to maintain a healthy body.
Include: daily physical activity, a balanced diet, fluid replacement, adequate sleep, appropriate hygiene practices, regular check-ups
GLO: B3, C4, D1
5-1-14 Evaluate information related to body image and health from media sources for science content and bias.
Examples: glamorization of smoking in movies, promotion of unrealistic role models in magazines, trivialization of scientific information on television
GLO: B3, C4, C5, C8
5-1-15 Explain how human health may be affected by lifestyle choices and natural- and human-caused environmental factors.
Include: smoking and poor air quality may cause respiratory disorders; unhealthy eating and physical inactivity may lead to diabetes or heart disease; prolonged exposure to the Sun can cause skin cancer
GLO: B3, B5, C4, D1

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Properties of and Changes in Substances
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
5-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of properties of, and changes in, substances.
Include: characteristic, property, substance, matter, volume, state, solid, liquid, gas, reversible, and non-reversible changes, physical change, chemical change, chemical products, raw material
GLO: C6, D3
5-2-02 Identify characteristics and properties that allow substances to be distinguished from one another.
Examples: texture, hardness, flexibility, strength, buoyancy, solubility, colour, mass/weight for the same volume
GLO: D3, E1
5-2-03 Investigate to determine how characteristics and properties of substances may change when they interact with one other.
Examples: baking soda in vinegar produces a gas; adding flour to water produces a sticky paste
GLO: C2, D3, E3
5-2-04 Recognize that matter is anything that has mass/weight and takes up space. GLO: D3
5-2-05 Identify properties of the three states of matter.
Include: solids have definite volume and hold their shape; liquids have definite volume but take the shape of their container; gases have no definite volume and take the volume and shape of their container
5-2-06 Experiment to compare the mass/weight of a substance in its liquid and solid states.
Examples: compare the mass of ice cubes with the mass of the liquid that results when they melt
GLO: C2, D3, E3
5-2-07 Demonstrate that the mass/weight of a whole object is equal to the sum of the mass/weight of its parts.
Examples: compare the mass/weight of a pencil case and its contents with that of the individual componenets weighed separately and added together
GLO: C2, D3, E3
5-2-08 Demonstrate that changes of state are reversible through the addition or removal of heat.
Include: melting, freezing/solidification, condensation, evaporation
GLO: D3, E3, E4
5-2-09 Explore to identify reversible and non-reversible changes that can be made to substances.
Examples: reversible - folding paper, mixing baking soda and marbles; non-reversible - cutting paper, mixing baking soda and vinegar
GLO: C2, D3, E3
5-2-10 Recognize that a physical change alters the characteristics of a substance without producing a new substance, and that a chemical change produces a new substance with distinct characteristics and properties. GLO: D3, E3
5-2-11 Observe examples of changes in substances, classify them as physical or chemical changes, and justify the designation.
Examples: physical - bending a nail, chopping wood, chewing food; chemical - rusting of a nail, burning wood, cooking food
GLO: C2, D3, E3
5-2-12 Identify potentially harmful chemical products used at home, and describe practices to ensure personal safety.
Include: use of products with parental supervision, recognition of safety symbols, procedures to follow in case of an emergency, proper storage of chemical products
GLO: B1, C1, D3
5-2-13 Evaluate household chemical products using the design process.
Examples: glass-cleaner, laundry soap, toothpaste
GLO: B5, C3, C4, C8
5-2-14 Research and describe how raw materials are transformed into useful products.
Examples: food processing, oil refining, paper milling, plastic moulding, gold smelting
GLO: B1, B4, C2, E3

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Forces and Simple Machines
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
5-3-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of forces and simple machines.
Include: applied force, balanced and unbalanced forces, fulcrum, load, friction, terms related to types of simple machines
GLO: C6, D4
5-3-02 Describe, using diagrams, the forces acting on an object and the effects of increasing or decreasing them.
Include: force arrows representing direction and relative strength of forces acting in the same plane, balanced and unbalanced forces
GLO: C6, D4
5-3-03 Investigate a variety of levers used to accomplish particular tasks in order to compare them qualitatively with respect to fulcrum position, applied force, and load.
Include: first class, second class, and third class levers
GLO: C2, D4, E1
5-3-04 Identify objects in the school and at home that use wheels and axles, and describe the forces involved.
Examples: doorknob, manual pencil sharpener, hinge, bicycle
GLO: B1, D4, E1
5-3-05 Recognize that a gear is a wheel and axle used to turn another wheel and axle. GLO: D4, E2
5-3-06 Identify common devices and systems that incorporate pulleys and/or gears. GLO: A5, B1, D4, E1
5-3-07 Explore to determine how the direction and amount of the applied force and the speed of rotation vary within a two-gear system. GLO: C2, D4, E2
5-3-08 Compare, quantitatively, the force required to lift a load using a pulley system versus a single fixed pulley, and recognize the relationship between the force required and the distance over which the force is applied.
Include: a system of pulleys reduces the force required while increasing the distance over which the force is applied; a single fixed pulley requires a greater force but applies it over a shorter distance.
GLO: C2, D4, E2
5-3-09 Identify and make modifications to their own pulley and/or gear systems to improve how they move loads.
Include: reducing friction
GLO: C3, D4, E2
5-3-10 Identify and describe types of simple machines.
Include: levers, wheel and axle, pulley, gear, inclined plane, screw, wedge
5-3-11 Describe the advantage of using simple machines to move or lift a given load.
Include: to decrease the force required; to increase the resulting force; to change the direction of the applied force.
5-3-12 Investigate to identify advantages and disadvantages of using different simple machines to accomplish the same task.
Examples: using a pulley, inclined plane, or lever to move a piano to the second floor
GLO: B1, C2, C4, D4
5-3-13 Compare devices that use variations of simple machines to accomplish similar tasks.
Examples: a short- or long-handled pump, a racing or mountain bicycle
GLO: B1, C3, C4, D4
5-3-14 Use the design process to construct a prototype containing a system of two or more different simple machines that move in a controlled way to perform a specific function. GLO: C3, D4, E2

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Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
5-4-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of weather.
Include: weather; properties; volume; pressure; air masses; fronts; weather instrument; severe weather; forecast; accuracy; water cycle; climate; terms related to public weather reports, and cloud formations
GLO: C6, D5
5-4-02 Describe how weather conditions may affect the activities of humans and other animals.
Examples: heavy rainfall may cause roads to wash out; stormy conditions may prevent a space shuttle launching; in excessive heat, cattle may produce less milk
5-4-03 Describe properties of air.
Include: has mass/weight and volume; expands to fill a space; expands and rises when heated; contracts and sinks when cooled; exerts pressure; moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure
5-4-04 Recognize that warm and cold air masses are important components of weather, and describe what happens when these air masses meet along a front.
Include: in a cold front the cold air mass slides under a warm air mass, pushing the warm air upwards; in a warm front the warm moist air slides up over a cold air mass
GLO: D5, E2
5-4-05 Use the design process to construct a weather instrument.
Examples: an instrument that measures wind direction, wind speed, rainfall
GLO: C3, D5
5-4-06 Observe and measure local weather conditions over a period of time, using student-constructed or standard instruments, and record and analyze these data. GLO: A2, C2, C5, D5
5-4-07 Identify and describe components of public weather reports from a variety of sources.
Include: temperature; relative humidity; wind speed and direction; wind chill; barometric pressure; humidex; cloud cover; ultraviolet index; warm and cold fronts; amount, types, and probability of precipitation
GLO: C6, D5
5-4-08 Describe the key features of a variety of weather phenomena.
Examples: wind speed and precipitation of blizzards
GLO: D5, E1, E2
5-4-09 Provide examples of severe weather forecasts, and describe preparations for ensuring personal safety during severe weather and related natural disasters.
Examples: tornado, thunderstorm, blizzard, extreme wind chill, flood, forest fire
GLO: B3, C1, D5
5-4-10 Investigate various ways of predicting the weather, and evaluate their usefulness.
Examples: weather-related sayings, traditional knowledge, folk knowledge, observations of the natural environment
GLO: A2, A4, B2, C8
5-4-11 Contrast the accuracy of short- and long-term weather forecasts, and discuss possible reasons for the discrepancies.
Include: long-term forecasts may not be accurate as weather is a complex natural phenomenon that science is not yet able to predict accurately
GLO: A1, C2
5-4-12 Describe examples of technological advances that have enabled humans to deepen their scientific understanding of weather and improve the accuracy of weather predictions.
Examples: satellites collect data that scientists analyze to increase understanding of global weather patterns; computerized models predict weather
GLO: A2, A5, B1, D5
5-4-13 Explain how the transfer of energy from the Sun affects weather conditions.
Include: the Sun's energy evaporates water and warms the Earth's land, water, and air on a daily basis
GLO: D4, D5, E4
5-4-14 Explain how clouds form, and relate cloud formation and precipitation to the water cycle. GLO: D5, E2
5-4-15 Identify and describe common cloud formations.
Include: cumulus, cirrus, stratus
GLO: D5, E1
5-4-16 Differentiate between weather and climate.
Examples: weather includes the atmospheric conditions existing at a particular time and place; climate describes the long-term weather trend of a particular region
GLO: D5, E1
5-4-17 Identify factors that influence weather and climate in Manitoba and across Canada, and describe their impacts.
Examples: jet stream, proximity to water, elevation, chinook
GLO: D5, E2
5-4-18 Recognize that climates around the world are ever changing, and identify possible explanations.
Examples: volcanic eruptions, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, El Nino, deforestation
GLO: B5, D5, E2, E3

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