UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in Manitoba
What is the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network? (ASPnet)

Established by the United Nations in1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) includes almost 7,800 member schools and institutions in 175 countries.
ASPnet schools are located in all regions of the world – Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Arab States, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the U.S. – in differing cultural, economic and social systems, at various stages of development, and in rural and urban areas.
The ASPnet provides a forum for the promotion of UNESCO ideals as well as global citizenship, social justice, student leadership and provincial, national, and international networks. A publication created by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU), Key Words for Participating in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network, provides a full description of the ASPnet. The document is available at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO: Associated Schools Project Network website.
ASPnet schools establish a culture of peace, and promote democracy, human rights, solidarity and mutual understanding through curricular and extra-curricular projects related to
- world concerns and the role of the United Nations
- human rights, democracy
- intercultural learning
- environmental issues