Social Studies
Key Concepts - Kindergarten to Grade 4
Kindergarten | Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grades 5 to 8
Being Together |
Cluster 1 - Me
- important groups
- places important to children
- basic needs (food, clothing, safety rules)
- rules and responsibilities
- Remembrance Day
Cluster 2 - People Around Me
- important people
- cooperation and conflict
- communication (art, dance, song, facial expression, body language, sign
- time, recurring events
- work and resources
- celebrations
Cluster 3 - World Around Me
- living in Canada
- world needs (food, clothing, shelter...)
- landmarks (parks, statues, buildings, natural landmarks...)
- mapping (globes, maps, models- as representations of actual places)
1: Connecting and Belonging |
Cluster 1 - I Belong
- personal identity
- my family
- family celebrations
- family connections to the past
- Remembrance Day
Cluster 2 - My Environment
- Manitoba, Canada
- media influence
- mapping (globes, maps, land and water masses)
- community landmarks and places
- environment
- needs and wants
- official languages and national anthem
- Remembrance Day
Cluster 3 - Connecting with Others
- diversity
- rights and responsibilities
- interdependence
- rules and laws
- conflict/bullying
- global connections
2 : Communities in Canada |
Cluster 1 - Our Local Community
- community: resources, physical characteristics, interactions
- community groups (cultural, linguistic, First Nations...)
- past and present stories of their local community
- individual and community heritage and culture
- community leadership
- important people, events, and places
- Remembrance Day
- mapping (location)
Cluster 2 - Communities in Canada
- Aboriginal communities in Canada
- Canadian communities
- natural resources, work, goods and services (how these factors shape life
in communities)
- immigration from different parts of the world
- communities change over time
- mapping (location)
Cluster 3 - The Canadian Community
- origins of place names
- global connections (food, immigration, media...)
- national and provincial symbols
- diversity (cultural, linguistic, geographic, artistic...)
- Canadian needs
- media influences on choices and decisions
3: Communities of the World |
Cluster 1 - Connecting with Canadians
- rights and responsibilities
- connections with other Canadians
- community leadership (formal and informal)
- decision making (conflict, bullying)
- Canadian citizenship (national anthem)
- Remembrance Day
Cluster 2 - Exploring the World
- mapping (maps, aerial photographs and satellite images)
- mapping (equator, hemispheres, continents, oceans)
- common concerns and connections between world communities
- community services
- human rights (housing, education, security, food, water...)
- international support organizations (United Nations, UNICEF, Red Cross...)
Cluster 3 - Communities of the World
- global human diversity
- contemporary world communities (physical, social, cultural; daily life,
- indigenous communities of the world
- mapping (location of communities or countries)
- media influences on perceptions of people and places
Cluster 4 - Exploring an Ancient Society: one of ancient Egypt, China,
Japan, the Vikings, Incas, Mayas, or Aztecs
- ways of life
- customs, stories, traditions
- cultural expressions (art, architecture, music, dance, writing,stories,
religious practices)
- senduring contributions (ideas, inventions, art, architecture, stories)
4: Manitoba, Canada, and the North: Places and Stories |
Cluster 1 - Geography of Canada
- physical geography of Manitoba and Canada
- mapping (geographic regions, oceans, major landforms, lakes, waterways,
provinces, territories, capital cities)
Cluster 2 - Living in Canada
- government (levels, responsibilities)
- leadership (Manitoba and Canada)
- power and authority (formal and informal)
- citizenship and democracy
- symbols and monuments (national, provincial, territorial)
- commemorative days (national, provincial, territorial)
- media influences on perceptions of people and places
Cluster 3 - Living in Manitoba
- physical features
- environmental stewardship and sustainability
- people, places and communities of Manitoba (historical, cultural or environmental)
- diverse artistic and cultural achievements
- global connections
- mapping (lakes, rivers, landforms, vegetation, forests, parks, cities,
towns, First Nations communities, resources...)
Cluster 4 - History of Manitoba
- stories of events and individuals from Manitoba's past
stories of early settlement
- contributions of diverse ethnic and cultural communities (Aboriginal,
francophone, European)
Cluster 5 - Canada's North - Yukon, NWT, Nunavut
- physical and human geography of the territory(ies)
- stories, traditions, and changes in ways of life in Canada's North
- Aboriginal contributions to the Canadian community
- contribution of the North to the Canadian community
- mapping (physical features, natural resources)