Curriculum Essentials
Social Studies
The Social Studies Curriculum Essentials present the essential ideas in social studies from Grades 1 to 8.
The documents can be viewed online or printed. The interactive PDFs link to provincial curriculum documents.
The Grade at a Glance page contains two parts. The yellow arrow at the top of the page highlights the skills and competencies that need to be integrated throughout the teaching and learning of social studies. The second part of the Grade at a Glance page provides the big ideas in each grade level cluster and the associated specific knowledge and values learning outcomes.
The Social Studies Curriculum Overview page organizes the knowledge and values outcomes by the six General Learning outcomes, along with the essential learning for the grade level. The numbers under each essential learning represent the specific learning outcomes. On the interactive PDF, the numbers link to the provincial curriculum documents.
The yellow band on the left of the page connects the social studies curriculum to the provincial report card social studies categories. The yellow band on the interactive PDFs link to provincial report card documents.
The third page describes the skills and competencies that are integrated throughout each cluster and are developed, refined and applied across the grades.