Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant

Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant (Adobe Icon 340 KB)

Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant

UPDATE for the 2024/25 School Year: The Intensive Newcomer Support Grant is being reviewed as part of the ongoing funding model review work. While that work is underway, applications for the INS grant, including contingency grant funding, are paused.

The deadline for project reports and new funding proposals is May 31 each year.

These Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant provide Manitoba school divisions with direction for developing programming for newcomer adolescent and young adult learners in Grades 6 to 12 with significantly disrupted/limited education due to war, civil conflict, poverty, or cultural backgrounds.

Note: This INS project grant may be used in addition to the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Support Grant for qualifying newcomer learners who also have EAL and literacy needs.