Belonging, Learning and Growing: Diversity Education

This website is dedicated to providing educators and youth with a multiplicity of resources related to diversity and equity education. It encourages educators and youth to get involved in social justice issues and to be the change that makes the difference in our community and schools.
Belonging, Learning and Growing
The name of this website reflects a number of important beliefs about diversity and equity in education.

The goal of public schools in an inclusive society is to create environments, structures, and programs where every educator, learner, and their families feel they belong and are welcomed. This sense of belonging is an essential step in ensuring our schools respond appropriately to the rich diversity that is present in our schools and in our community.

Schools are fundamentally places of, for, and about learning. Appropriate and effective educational programs and practices that recognize the needs and special contexts of diverse learners and their families are critical to student success. Therefore, the challenge for our schools and our society is to constantly strive to ensure that our classrooms, curricula, programs, and teaching approaches provide opportunities for all students to learn. This learning will include developing the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to live fulfilling and active lives in a multicultural society.

The school years encompass some of the most important stages of human personal and social development. School to a large degree helps to shape our future lives and characteristics. It is important that schools recognize and respond appropriately to the changing needs of learners as they grow. Equally important is that schools are places that encourage exploration and wonderment about the world and all aspects of our global village. Schools are places students are encouraged to "spread their wings" and grow individually and collectively.