Introductory Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Learning Experiences
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Learning Experiences in this interdisciplinary unit introduce students to ICTs as they collaborate, solve problems, and listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent in the context of the Grade 4 curriculum in which they are currently working. These learning experiences (LEs) begin at the start of a school year and allow students to develop skills they will use throughout the unit, as well as the rest of the school year.
Concept Map (89 KB)
This section of the document is available for download as PDF files .
Introductory Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Learning Experiences (393 KB)
- Overview (393 KB)
- ICT 1: Toolbox Binder (39 KB)
- ICT 2: Write This Down (19 KB)
- ICT 3: Riddle This (23 KB)
- ICT 4: Looks Like This (27 KB)
- ICT 5: Inspired (135 KB
- ICT 6: Caught in Action (21 KB)
- ICT 7: Make Your Point (19 KB)
- ICT 8: Look for It (56 KB)
- ICT 9: Chart This (27 KB)