Research Results
of the IMYM Project on
Grade 6 Pilot Teachers: A Follow-up Report
September 2000
Prepared by Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Appendix - Guiding Questions
- Describe your situation since piloting the IMYM project. Are you still:
- at the same school?
- teaching the same grade levels(s)
- in the same classroom?
- Have you implemented or are you planning to implement the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit this school year (1998-99)?
- Yes, full unit
- Yes, selected components only
- No, I am not planning to implement the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit this year.
- Have you made any modifications to the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please describe the modification and/or give an example of a specific modification.
- Have you developed any additional interdisciplinary units?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please describe.
- Are the IMYM hardware and software in the same Grade 6 classroom?
- Yes
- No
If yes, are there any plans to relocate the hardware and software in the future?
If no, where are they presently located?
- Is the telephone still in the Grade 6 classroom?
- Yes
- No
- Who currently has access to the IMYM hardware and software? Check all that apply and describe how the hardware and software are being using.
- last year's grade 6 students
- other grade 6 students
- other students
- teachers
- parents
- other, specify:
- Has there been any expansion of the IMYM model in your school this year (1998-99)?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please describe.
- Has there been any expansion of the IMYM model in your division/district this year (1998-99)?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please describe.
- How does your teaching style today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
- How does the level of subject-area integration within your classroom today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
- How does the level of ICT integration in your teaching practice today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
- What impact does the IMYM model continue to have on last year's students?
- What feedback have you received from parents about the IMYM model?
- What have you done within your school to facilitate implementation of the IMYM model (e.g. website, teacher training/inservice, presentations, classroom visitations, etc.)? Please describe.
- What have you done within your division/district to facilitate implementation of the IMYM model? Please describe.