Research Results

Impact of the IMYM Project on
Grade 6 Pilot Teachers: A Follow-up Report

September 2000

Prepared by Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning

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Appendix - Guiding Questions

  1. Describe your situation since piloting the IMYM project. Are you still:
    • at the same school?
    • teaching the same grade levels(s)
    • in the same classroom?
  1. Have you implemented or are you planning to implement the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit this school year (1998-99)?
    • Yes, full unit
    • Yes, selected components only
    • No, I am not planning to implement the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit this year.
  1. Have you made any modifications to the Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries Unit?
    • Yes
    • No

    If yes, please describe the modification and/or give an example of a specific modification.

  1. Have you developed any additional interdisciplinary units?
    • Yes
    • No

    If yes, please describe.

  1. Are the IMYM hardware and software in the same Grade 6 classroom?
    • Yes
    • No

    If yes, are there any plans to relocate the hardware and software in the future?

    If no, where are they presently located?

  1. Is the telephone still in the Grade 6 classroom?
    • Yes
    • No
  1. Who currently has access to the IMYM hardware and software? Check all that apply and describe how the hardware and software are being using.
    • last year's grade 6 students
    • other grade 6 students
    • other students
    • teachers
    • parents
    • other, specify:
  1. Has there been any expansion of the IMYM model in your school this year (1998-99)?
    • Yes
    • No

    If yes, please describe.

  1. Has there been any expansion of the IMYM model in your division/district this year (1998-99)?
    • Yes
    • No

    If yes, please describe.

  1. How does your teaching style today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
  1. How does the level of subject-area integration within your classroom today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
  1. How does the level of ICT integration in your teaching practice today compare to that before your implementation of the IMYM model?
  1. What impact does the IMYM model continue to have on last year's students?
  1. What feedback have you received from parents about the IMYM model?
  1. What have you done within your school to facilitate implementation of the IMYM model (e.g. website, teacher training/inservice, presentations, classroom visitations, etc.)? Please describe.
  1. What have you done within your division/district to facilitate implementation of the IMYM model? Please describe.