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Aboriginal Education Research Forum 2019

Conference Agenda

Conference Program pdf document

Monday, May 27, 2019
Time Event/Activities
7:00 a.m. PIPE CEREMONY – Plenary Room (South Centennial)
  • Elder Marie Ballantyne (Cree)
8:30 – 10:00 a.m. OPENING CEREMONY – Plenary Room (South Centennial)


Dr. Violet Okemaw

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. HEALTH BREAK – South Centennial
10:15 – 12:00 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1 (Plenary Room)
  • Bannock and Tea Grandparents Circle
    Hosted by Kathy Mallett & joined by Elder’s, Marie Ballantyne, Oliver Boulette,
    Martha Peet, Don Robertson, Ernie Samatte, and Wanbdi Wakita & Doris Young
12:00 –1:00 p.m.

12:30 –1:00 p.m.
LUNCH – Plenary Room (South Centennial)

CULTURAL CELEBRATIONS – Plenary Room (South Centennial)
1:00 – 2:15 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2
  • Kunistotumak Pimatisowin (Marlene McKay)
  • Meaningful and sustainable mathematics education for students of Indigenous and ethnic minority cultural backgrounds in Canada and China (Dr.Anthony N. Ezeife)
  • Indigenous Families’ Forward-Looking Stories: Shaping Children’s Strong Identity & Life Making (Shaun Murphy & Janice Huber)
  • Community-based Educational Programs to Build Community: Profiling programs in Little Saskatchewan, Island Lake and Brokenhead First Nations. (Shirley Thompson, Donna Martin, Isabella Sumner ( in memory), Lawrence Wood, Ernie Harper, James Queskekapow & Ivan Harper.
  • Land Based Education and the Great Law of Peace” (Dr. Brian Rice)
  • An Overview of Road Allowance Communities in Manitoba and an overview of current research on Dog Patch (Brooklands), and an update on Rooster Town (Grant Park (Lawrence Barkwell)
  • Infusing culture in language teaching. (Kevin Tacan & Melanie Kennedy)
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. HEALTH BREAK – South Centennial
2:30 – 4:00 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3
  • Elder Sharing Session with Marie Ballantyne (Cree) and Martha Peet ( Inuit)
  • Indigenous PAX Dream Makers: Bettering our World and Bettering Ourselves
  • Assessment as Pimosayta: Honouring Children: Indigenous & Relational Approaches – Universities of Alberta and Saskatchewan( Trudy Cardinal, Janice Huber & Shaun Murphy)
  • Chapter highlights of Indigenous Education: Affirming Indigenous Knowledges and Language from a Turtle Island Indigenous Scholar’s Perspective: Pîkiskewinan (Let us Voice) (Dr. Laara Fitznor) Understanding Indigenous educational leadership research in four English-Speaking countries: a systematic review (Xiao Fan & Dr. Peng Liu)
  • Coming together in support of E pawatamuk: Norbert’s vision for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation in the Community ( Norbert Mercredi, Lee Spence, Heather McRae, Douglas Brown & Joannie Halas)
  • Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and the Role of Indigenous Guardians for the Assertion of Nationhood for Ininiw Waktowin Aski.(Stewart Hill, James Queskekapow & Shirley Thompson)
  • Revitalizing Anishinaabemowin: A Case Study (Rebecca Chartrand)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Time Event/Activities
7:00 a.m. PIPE CEREMONY – Plenary Room (South Centennial)
  • Elder Wanbdi Wakita
8:30 – 10:15 a.m. DAY TWO SUMMARY
  • Laara Fitznor & Debra Beach-Ducharme
  • Mr. Norman Fleury
10:15 – 10:30 a.m. HEALTH BREAK – South Centennial
10:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 4
  • Elder Sharing Session with Oliver Boulette (Métis) and Wanbdi Wakita
  • Mino Pimatisiwin (good life) (Ron Cook)
  • Anishinaabe Life through Ceremony - From Cradle to Grave and Beyond (Josephine Hartin)
  • Creating New Speakers, Healing Old Wounds: The Prairies to Woodlands Master-
    Apprentice Program for Michif and Other Indigenous Languages (Verna Demontigny & Heather Souter)
  • A Purposeful Pause: Creating a Culture of Change that Promotes Indigenous Knowledge, Education, and Scholarship Achievement at the College of Pharmacy (Sarah Olson, Dana Turcotte & Jenna Villarba)
  • “But Water is Life! Then why has water become a threat to life? Exploring two-eyed seeing during the man-made flood of 2011. (Dr. Myrle Ballard)
  • Articulating Movement through ‘Story as Indigenous Methodology’(Melanie Belmore)
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH – Plenary Room (South Centennial)
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 5
  • Elder Sharing Session with Don Robertson and Ernie Samatte
  • Building Capacity with Research and Indigenous Scholarship in Education (RISE) (Janine Metallic & Wahehshon Shiann Whitebean)
  • Indigenous Curriculum Development and Community Control of Education: Kahnawà: ke Education Center (Iris Stacey, Lauren Deom & Kahsennénhawe Jacobs)
  • Red River College’s Indigenous Language Program (Ida Bear, David Beaudin, Manoq Dowrand & Corey Whitford)
  • Participatory Video Workshops with youth and Elders of the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation tell their history in film( James Queskekapow, Deborah Smith & Shirley Thompson)
  • Dibendaagoz-imin: An Indigenous Cultural Education Course (Kimberly Embleton, Amy Carpenter & Sherri Denysuik)
  • Beyond the Rainbow: Investigating Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Indianist Music and Production (Dr. Spy Dénommé-Welch & Kevin Hobbs)
2:30 – 2:45 p.m. HEALTH BREAK – Plenary Room
2:45 – 4:00 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 6
  • How we created a school division wide kindergarten program (Shirley Ewanchuk)
  • The National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education and Language (NCCIE) (Laura Forsythe)
  • 'The Amazing Journey of Learning my Ancestral Language’ (Cameron Adams & Ellen Cook)
  • Finding Constitutional Space for Aboriginal Language Rights to Education (Dr. Lorena Fontaine)
  • The Ojibway Creation Story (Donna Beach)
  • Growing Our Own Anishinaabemowin Speakers (Sherri Denysuik, Kimberley Guimond & Gloria Baker)
  • The Percy Papers (Atik Bird)
4:00 p.m. CLOSING
  • Closing Circle
  • Closing Prayer
  • Adjournment

* Agenda subject to change