Adult Learning and Literacy

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Canadian Adult Education Credential?

The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) is a high-quality, made-in-Canada education credential that meets industry standards as a replacement for the General Educational Development, or GED® in Canada. Employers, post-secondary institutions, and others can count on the CAEC as a reliable indicator of Canadian adults’ level of educational achievement.

This new credential replaces the GED® in Manitoba. GED testing has been discontinued in Manitoba and across Canada effective May 3, 2024.

2. Who is the CAEC for?

The CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma but need an education credential to open new doors to educational or employment opportunities or as an academic achievement indicator.

In Manitoba, test-takers who successfully complete the CAEC may be eligible to receive a High School Equivalency certificate. The certificate is not a high school diploma. Manitoba adults who wish to complete a high school diploma can visit an Adult Learning Centre (ALC). For more information on ALCs, please visit  It’s Never Too Late to Return to Learning.

3. What does the CAEC cover?

The CAEC is tailored to the needs of Canadian adults and is reflective of diverse cultures and perspectives. The CAEC is available in English and French and consists of tests on Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science.

Here is an overview of how many questions each test includes and how long you have to complete each test.

Subject and parts Number of questions Time
Reading 50 questions 75 minutes
Writing 1 persuasive writing task 75 minutes
Part I: No calculator
Part II: Calculator
42 questions
12 questions
30 questions
120 minutes
30 minutes
90 minutes
Science 35 questions 90 minutes
Social Studies 40 questions 90 minutes

Watch the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) video for more information on how tests are structured and graded.

4. Who is eligible for the CAEC?

In Manitoba, the CAEC is available to individuals who:

  • are a resident of Manitoba
  • have not completed high school or the GED certificate
  • are nineteen (19) years of age

If you do not meet the age eligibility, you can request an age exemption.

5. When and where will the CAEC be available?

In Manitoba, CAEC starts in summer 2024.

Tests are held monthly according to local demand. Use the 2024 CAEC Planning Calendar to plan your test sessions.

  • Dates may change based on demand for testing. Actual dates, times and locations for Manitoba are available to candidates when booking a test.

CAEC testing centres are located in Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson and The Pas. Testing in French is available in St. Boniface. Testing may be located at other sites through special arrangements with the ALL Office.

6. Will the GED® still be recognized after the CAEC is introduced?

Yes, the GED® credential will continue to be recognized as valid. In addition to recognizing the new CAEC, employers can continue to recognize the GED® for individuals who have attained that credential.

If you completed the GED® in Manitoba, you can request a copy of your transcript.

7. What can I do if I have an incomplete GED®?

Manitobans who have passed some of the GED® tests can request to have the tests recognized toward CAEC for three years, up to May 2027. Use the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition form to request recognition of your successful GED® tests.

To qualify for the Manitoba High School Equivalency certificate, you will need to pass all five (5) of the subject tests. Register for an account to take the tests for the subjects you are missing.

8. How can I get a copy of my transcript?

Complete the Transcript Request form for additional copies of your transcript. You will have to pay a fee.

9. What is the Application Process for CAEC?

The Application Process is described on the CAEC Testing in Manitoba page. Read all sections of the page.

  • Complete the forms carefully to ensure all information is included. Incomplete forms may delay your testing date(s).
  • Applications close two (2) weeks or ten (10) business days before the test session.
  • Payment must be made online.

10. When will I know the results of my CAEC tests?

For English Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, the test results will be available after two (2) business days in your CAEC account from the time of the test. Results for English Writing will be available in your CAEC account after 20 business days.

Candidates who receive a minimum standard score of 55% on each of the five tests will receive a High School equivalency certificate.

11. Can I rewrite a test?

Candidates may only rewrite a test if the test result does not meet the minimum standard of 55%. You cannot retake a CAEC or a GED test once you have passed it.

  • Test may be rewritten after 30 days. Candidates who are unsuccessful after a third attempt must wait until the next CAEC testing year (January to December).
  • A fee payment is required for each retest.

12. What Identification do I need to show at the Testing Centre?

  • All candidates must provide two (2) pieces of valid identification when they appear at the test centre. Acceptable forms of identification are government-issued identification that includes date of birth, photograph, address and signature.
  • Examples of acceptable identification include:
    • a valid driver’s license,
    • a valid passport,
    • firearms licenses
    • a Manitoba identification card, or the enhanced identification card offered through Manitoba Public Insurance agents
    • military and other government identification cards
    • certificate of Indian Status, Metis Status cards

13. How can I study for the CAEC tests?

You can study for the CAEC in a way that works for you.

When you finish a sample test and submit the answers, the results will show you the correct answer and identify the outcome that is being tested. This can help you figure out which skills and knowledge areas you need to focus you attention.

14. What supports are available while writing the CAEC tests?

Universal supports are features and tools that are embedded in the digital assessment platform and available to all candidates on all CAEC tests, including:

    • Screen colour overlay
    • Screen text highlighter
    • Line reader
    • Zoom feature
  • You can apply for additional supports for testing. You are responsible for requesting special arrangements and accommodations with documentation before taking a test.
    • Special arrangements are environmental conditions that make a candidate feel more comfortable when writing a test such as privacy screens, ambient noise, noise blockers, extended writing time, additional breaks, other (availability may vary by location)
    • Accommodations are targeted supports for candidates related to a medically diagnosed condition or extenuating circumstances such as input assistance/scribe, reader, Braille format, other
  • Requests for special arrangements, accommodations and special versions must be made in advance – Complete the Special Request and Accommodations form to request a telephone appointment to discuss special arrangements and accommodations.
  • The following supports are not permitted under any circumstance:
    • use of a calculator on Part I of the Mathematics test
    • use of a dictionary, thesaurus, or translator for English–Reading, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science tests

15. Can I reschedule or cancel a test?

Yes. You can reschedule or cancel your test(s) through your CAEC account. There are no refunds issued for rescheduled or cancelled tests.

  • Tests can be rescheduled or cancelled up to five (5) business days before the testing date. You will receive a test credit voucher in your CAEC account that you can apply towards a future test date.
  • If the rescheduling is due to circumstances that cannot be forecasted in advance, like medical or bereavement reasons, you must contact the ALL office for a review. You will be required to provide appropriate documentation to support your request.

16. Questions?

General questions about the CAEC can be sent to the Adult Learning and Literacy Office at