Adult Learning and Literacy
Enhancing Transitions for Adults to Further Education, Employment and Training
Enhancing Transitions was a project administered by Adult Learning and Literacy in partnership with Workplace Education Manitoba to develop and test a collection of transition related tools and resources. The materials, structures, tools and lessons were based on research conducted in four case study communities by a project team. The goals of the project were to enhance adult learners’ transitions:
- from adult programming to meaningful, long-term employment
- to further education and training to support their lifelong career and personal goals.
Transitions: Bridging Success to Numeracy >> 2012 ( 3.56 MB)
The Bridging Success to Numeracy will help to increase your understanding of numeracy practice at the Adult Literacy Program level and to become more aware of high school math curricula in order to prepare learners for the transition to Adult Learning Centres.
Transitions: Community Networking Guide and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) >>2012
The Community Networking Guide ( 956 KB) provides information about developing a community network and how it relates to adult education. Community networking plays an important role in establishing appropriate referral. The FAQs (
833 KB) about community networking will increase your awareness of the benefits of community networking for adult learners.
Transitions: Adult Learner Stories >> 2012 ( 3.37 MB)
Three adult learner stories provide real life examples of adults attending adult literacy programs and adult learning centres. The stories are accompanied by Stage level learning activities that can be incorporated into daily programming. The learning activities will provide adult learners with transition topics for Stage 1 and Stage 2.
Transitions Lesson Plans >> 2011 ( 1.49 MB)
The Transitions Lesson Plans are a collection of activities/resources to enhance seamless transitions for adult learners to post-secondary institutions.
Transitions Resource List: Transitions to Employment >> 2011 ( 461 KB)
The resource list consists of electronic and paper based resources to assist adult learners’ made successful transitions to employment.
Transitions Resource List : Transitions to Further Education and Training >> 2011 ( 396 KB)
The resource list consists of electronic and paper based resources to assist adult learners’ made successful transitions to further education and training.