Assessment and Evaluation

Français – French Immersion Program

Do teachers have to assess Grade 1 Reading in Français (French Immersion Program)?

Yes. However, as the specific outcomes mandated by the province indicate that reading is informal in Grade 1, the grade will be determined through an assessment that is integrated in daily informal reading activities. The information communicated in the report card will thus be closely tied to the specific learning outcomes and focus on the student’s observable behaviours demonstrated before, during and after reading. These behaviours may include:

Before reading

  • doing a ‘book walk’ to predict the book content;
  • making predictions about the content of a book by examining its cover page, illustrations and title;
  • identifying high-frequency words to make predictions about the content of the text;
  • making predictions based on prior knowledge and experience.

During reading

  • running a finger under the words while the teacher is reading a text aloud;
  • matching words on the page to words heard when read aloud;
  • recognizing that text is read from left to right and top to bottom;
  • distinguishing sounds, syllables, words and sentences (orally) in a text read aloud;
  • making the connection between the text and the illustration;
  • participating in a story read aloud by chiming in during repeated, predictable or familiar sequences;
  • capitalizing on the teacher’s use of phrasing, intonation, and articulation of key words to facilitate understanding;
  • matching key words to illustrations, matching text to illustrations;
  • demonstrating enjoyment when listening to rhymes and the rhythm of a text read aloud or during shared reading;
  • using illustrations and knowledge of initial letters/sounds to predict words in the course of shared reading;
  • adjusting predictions in the course of reading aloud or shared reading;
  • participating in choral reading;
  • etc.

After reading

  • checking the accuracy of one’s predictions and sharing what one has learned through mime, gesture, drawing and key words;
  • reacting to the story, characters and events;
  • making connections between the information or ideas presented and prior knowledge and personal experience;
  • talking about one’s learning during group discussions;
  • etc.

N.B.: The BEF neither recommends nor supports systematic formal reading assessment or formal reading intervention programs in Grade 1 Français.

Do teachers have to assess Grade 1 Writing in Français (French Immersion Program)?

Yes. Students are introduced to writing in Grade 1. The information communicated in the report card will be closely tied to the specific outcomes and focus on the student’s behaviour and observable behaviours as demonstrated before, during and after writing. These behaviours may include:


  • participating in a brainstorming session to explore and generate vocabulary related to the subject;
  • choosing a sentence structure previously modeled by the teacher;;
  • etc.


  • copying or slightly altering short texts and messages drafted in a shared or interactive writing situation;
  • participating in a collective writing activity;
  • copying and illustrating sentences;
  • copying a model sentence or text and filling in blanks by inserting words from a list  of words provided by the teacher;
  • building sentences based on a familiar or targeted model (e.g.: I like ______ );
  • substituting words in a song, poem or nursery rhyme;
  • making predictions when spelling unfamiliar words (ex. using the initial sound);
  • checking to ensure that
    • the sentence or text makes sense and that no important words are missing;
    • the words have been properly copied, verifying them letter by letter;
    • the words have been properly spelled, consulting an example or by asking someone for help;
    • the words have been well spaced;
    • the letters have been formed correctly;
  • etc.


  • sharing one’s message or text with another person;
  • talking about one’s learning during group discussions;
  • etc.
How can critical thinking be assessed?

Critical Thinking is not developed and assessed separately, but rather as an integrated part of the SLOs for the report card categories comprehension and communication. Links between SLOs and the  categories can be drawn out by carefully examining the SLOs, thus making it easier to identify and assess critical thinking. These links, direct or indirect in nature, are more far-reaching than the actual SLOs, given that they are targeted in the context of complex communication or comprehension tasks.

Each description within the categories for critical thinking mobilizes a number of SLOs that are directly or indirectly linked.

Direct Links

SLOs with a direct link to a specific report card category description are easily identifiable through key words such as:

  • Reacting to speech, information, text based on/by establishing links/by communicating that....
  • Reacting in a critical manner...
  • Expressing feelings, emotions, tastes, preferences, opinions...
  • Establishing links between...
  • Discussing:
    • the effectiveness of techniques, methods...
    • the influence of media on...
    • the realities expressed...
  • Expressing one’s interests, opinions, reactions...
  • Distinguishing...
  • Determining the point of view expressed...
  • Verifying whether...
  • Evaluating...
  • Analysing...
  • Questioning oneself...
  • Presenting and defending one’s point of view...

Indirect Links

An indirect link between a SLO and an indicator in particular report card category description is established according to the context of a communication task and is observed during a three-step process - before, during and after.   During a given communication task, every targeted SLO should be carefully examined for its potential to develop critical thinking.

The following examples serve to illustrate the indirect link that can exist between an SLO and a particular report card category description for critical thinking.

  SLO Explanation of Possible Link
with a  report card category
Middle Years Select content and final presentation taking into account the needs and interests of the target audience.
Select the content and final presentation taking into account the target audience's familiarity with the subject matter and vocabulary.

When selecting the content and final presentation, students can make links between prior knowledge and experiences and reflect on a number of aspects that could influence their presentation and its content. This reflection process can take place alone or with others. A list of criteria developed collaboratively can lead to discussions, exchanges of ideas and opinions that will subsequently need to be substantiated.
Early Years Extract the overall meaning of the message.
Extract the subject and aspects dealt with.



Questions by the teacher or student can lead to discussions during which feelings, tastes, preferences and emotions can be expressed and predictions can be shared. Such discussions can provide an opportunity for students to express an opinion which they will need to substantiate. Examples: "I think that… I don’t think that… because… Why did he/she...? I would not do that because…That’s not nice... That’s not true… because…", etc.
Ask questions in order to better understand.
(During or After)
The questions students ask themselves or ask others can allow them to reflect on some aspects of the message heard, read or seen. This reflection can lead them to express their opinions.

The development of critical thinking is not limited only to French as a subject area. When the situation allows, critical thinking can be observed through other subjects as language is the vehicle for demonstrating critical thinking.