Career Development
Designing your Career

When imagining your future, you can use the design process and powerful critical thinking skills to create and develop a successful and rewarding career and life plan. The design process allows you to learn and practice thinking strategies to help build confidence as you confront challenges and quick pivots in rapidly changing times. The design process can help you develop a mindset to learn and grow from experiences.
Poster ( 2.65 MB)
Career Development Education Chart ( 98 KB)
The vision and mission of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning's Career Development Education emphasizes a k-12 and Beyond High School Graduation Framework which seamlessly provides all students with career experiences to ensure they understand the relevance of their education and the link to knowledge acquisition, skill development and tools for transition. Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning offers several current and relevant 21st century career experiences, courses and credits. This chart serves as a framework document to visually depict and emphasize students developmental career/life planning journey highlighting the career learning opportunities available to all Manitoba students based on the Stages of Career Development to supplement Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning career education opportunities.
Career Opportunities in Human Ecology ( 3.2 MB)
Career Education – Senior Years Course and Credits
Futurpreneur Canada (Formerly Canadian Youth Business Foundation)
Futurpreneur Canada (Formerly Canadian Youth Business Foundation) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to growing our nation's economy one young entrepreneur at a time. As a national organization, they provide pre-launch coaching, financing, mentoring and business resources to help young Canadians, ages 18-39, start and sustain thriving businesses.
This guide explains why career development continues to be an important consideration for all K�12 school leaders�now and in the future. It shows how career development programming helps Manitoba students complete school and transition to post-secondary education and/or the workplace. This guide also illustrates how Manitoba educators, schools, and school divisions can integrate career development concepts, programming, and resources with curriculum outcomes in their classrooms.
Career Development in Manitoba Schools - A Survey of Current Awareness and Practices ( 179 KB)
A six page survey was sent to 885 Manitoba schools March 2007 to survey the school system to determine the current level of career practices. 335 schools completed the questionnaires for a response rate of 40%.
The first part, "Career Development and Practices, Programming and Resources" focused on schools' career development activities and their awareness of the various post-secondary education, training and financing options in Manitoba.
The second part of the survey "Staff and Resources" focused on the questions related to resources that schools have been allocating to career development, the nature and extent of parental involvement as well as schools' awareness of available resources.
DRAFT - Career Development "Promising Practices" in Manitoba Schools ( 69 KB)
A Career Development Resource for Parents
This guide has been developed to help parents support teens as they explore their options and make decisions. The goal is to provide parents with some practical ideas and resources to use with their children.
Focus on the Future: Career Planning Begins at Home
This handbook has been written for parents of children in Middle Years schools. Research indicates that parents are the number one influence on their children's success in their educational pursuits and their choice of occupation. Helping children build on their skills, strengths, and confidence will assist them in planning for the future. This handbook has been written to encourage parents and children to begin thinking about and discussing career exploration.
Focus on the Future: Your Grad Planner
This document will help students gain an understanding of the requirements for high school graduation, career planning and paying for their future education.
A Self-Managed Career Portfolio Guide
The portfolio offers a framework for individuals to guide and capture all aspects of their career development, including self-assessment, goal-setting, skill identification, career and educational transition, getting and keeping work, and lifelong personal development. As an ongoing developmental process, the career portfolio provides documentation of the past and offers a guide to the future.
The Role of Guidance in Post-Secondary Planning: Findings for Manitoba
This report presents the Manitoba portion of a research project in career guidance in the secondary school system undertaken by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation in partnership with four provinces — Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador. It explores the availability to high school students and their parents of information and programming about careers, Education options after high school and about financing these various options.
Web Resources
Links that support career development and transition education in a wide variety of settings including Early, Middle, and Senior Years schools.
- Graduation Requirements, and Post-secondary Admission Requirements and Articulation
- Take Our Kids to Work™
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning is a proud sponsor of Take Our Kids to Work™! In November of each year Take Our Kids to Work™ invites students in Grade 9 to spend a day at work with a parent, relative or volunteer host to help them learn about today's workplace and explore possible future career options. Visit the website for more information. -
National Job Bank
The National Job Bank is a free bilingual service that supports job seekers to access a variety of career development, career exploration and job search resources. - Set Your Course
Set Your Course connects users with potential schools and provides information about working in Manitoba.