In addition to the per pupil funding, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning provides school divisions with funding supports for students who are learning English as an Additional Language through two grants: the English as an Additional Language Support Grant and the Intensive Newcomer Support Grant. Contingency funding is also available in certain circumstances.
Students who are Temporary Residents of Manitoba may qualify the EAL Support Grant.
Guidelines for the English as an Additional Language Support Grant
The EAL Student Support Grant is available for students whose first or primary language(s) is other than English and who require and receive EAL curriculum, programming and/or additional services to develop English language proficiency and to realize their potential within Manitoba's school system. The EAL Student Support grant does not depend on place of birth but on a student's EAL learning needs. The EAL programming and the supports or services provided should be identifiable and distinct from classroom differentiations that normally are provided to address student differences. Funding will be provided for a maximum of four consecutive years.
The grant guidelines provide direction for the planning and implementation of EAL programming and services, while allowing some flexibility to meet the EAL needs of local contexts. Additional information regarding the English as an Additional Language Support Grant can be found in the current Funding of Schools reference guide. Instructions to assist school divisions in meeting the requirements for the reporting of students for the EAL Support Grant are found in the Public Schools Enrolment and Categorical Grants Reporting booklet.
The EAL Student Support Funding encourages initiatives such as the following:
- Particular emphasis on explicit supports to develop EAL proficiency
- Staffing that directly supports students who are learning English as an Additional Language
- Purchase of resources specific to EAL students
- Divisional and local capacity building to address the needs of students learning EAL, including professional learning specific to EAL, implementation of divisionally-developed protocols for the reception, assessment and instruction of students learning EAL
Guidelines for English as an Additional Language Support Grant provides information for supporting EAL learners.
Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant
The Intensive Newcomer Support Grant provides additional funding support for specialized programming for newcomer adolescent and young adult learners in Grades 6 to 12 with significantly limited education or no prior schooling due to war, conflict, poverty, or cultural backgrounds. The INS grant is intended to promote:
- innovative
- divisionally-coordinated
- specialized intensive programming
- for Middle and Senior Years newcomer EAL learners
- from refugee/war-affected backgrounds
- who have significantly disrupted schooling
The programming should address essential language, foundational academic and literacy skills and cultural orientation.
To obtain an INS Grant,
- school divisions must submit a program proposal for approval. The proposals can vary according to the needs of the learners and the context of the school division, but must meet the criteria described in the guidelines.
- program proposals along with a proposed budget must be submitted by May 28 each year. Proposed budgets need to be on the prescribed INS Project Grant Proposed Budget Form1.
- reports on expenditures are due by October 31 of the following academic year on the prescribed Expenditure Report Form.
Guidelines for the Intensive Newcomer Support (INS) Grant provide Manitoba school divisions with direction for developing programming and applying for INS Grants.
Contingency Funds
School divisions with high numbers of late-enrollment EAL learners may also apply for contingency funding by submitting a program proposal along with a proposed budget any time after November 30, if there is an influx of new English as an Additional Language (EAL) students with high needs after November 30.
Financial reporting of the contingency funds can be incorporated in the INS expenditure report which is due by October 31 of the following academic year.
Funding for Temporary Residents
Students who are temporary residents of Manitoba may be eligible for the EAL Support Grant under certain circumstances. The provincial policy statement concerning the funding of temporary residents clarifies federal policy and the documentation requirements that temporary residents must have to be lawfully present in Canada, as well as the documentation schools must request temporary residents to provide.
Funding for Temporary Residents Policy
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