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French Immersion Program
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning recognizes the French Immersion Program as one of the four official school programs (English, Français, French Immersion and Senior Years Technology Education). In accordance with the provisions of the Public Schools Act, children have an opportunity to learn both French and English in Manitoba.
In 1974, the department established the Bureau de l’éducation française (BEF) to support French-language education in the province. The BEF was given the mandate to develop, evaluate and administer policies and programs related to French education in all school programs.
For inquiries on French-language education, contact the BEF at 204-945-6916 or toll-free at 1-800-282-8029, extension 6916.
Policy and Support Documents
- French Immersion Policy in Manitoba (May 2023)
- French Immersion in Manitoba (April 2002)
- French Immersion in Manitoba – A Handbook for School Leaders (2007)
- Reading in the French Immersion Program (K-2) (2017)
The Vision of the French Immersion Program in Manitoba
Since 1973, the French Immersion Program in Manitoba has had a successful history. Building on its rich and solid heritage, the Program is turning to the future and, in an effort to adapt to the current realities, Manitoba has created a document entitled The French Immersion Program in Manitoba: A Renewed Vision 2017 to support educators, students and parents.
The goal of the French Immersion Program is to develop proud, confident, engaged, plurilingual global citizens.
The French Immersion Program enables students to interact spontaneously, autonomously, and confidently in French with pride and ease. They seek opportunities to engage in the Francophone community. Their identity as Canadian citizens, competent in both French and English, creates lifelong opportunities and fosters openness to other languages and cultures.
To learn more about the renewed vision and to download the complete document and accompanying poster, visit :
- French Immersion in Manitoba: A Renewed Vision (version anglaise)
- Le Programme d’immersion française au Manitoba : une vision renouvelée (version française)
Integrating Culture in Classrooms and School Life
Culture plays an important role in the development of French Immersion students’ identity. It can be broken down into cultural references. The brochure and insert are intended for schools and administrators.
The French Language Education Review
In September 2014, the department introduced the French Language Education Review (Review) to further support school divisions in the full implementation of the French Immersion Program. The Review is based on the renewed vision and defines the parameters for implementing a French Immersion Program that allows all students to develop their ability to communicate in French effectively, with confidence and have academic success, while developing their plurilingual identity. Consult the Review’s website for more details on its purpose and objectives.
French Immersion Schools in Manitoba
The French Immersion Program is offered from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in public schools in 23 out of the 37 school divisions throughout Manitoba. (View enrolment statistics – in French only.) There are two main delivery models: the single track model in which the entire student population is enrolled in the French Immersion Program, and the dual track model in which both English and French Immersion Programs coexist in the same school.
Where are the French Immersion schools located?
When can students begin?
- Any child turning five years old by December 31 may attend Kindergarten.
- There are three entry points to the Program: Early Immersion (Kindergarten or Grade 1 entry), Middle Immersion (Grade 4 entry), and Late Immersion (Grade 7 entry).
French Instruction Requirements for Kindergarten to Grade 12
What is the proportion of time taught in French?
- French is used as the language of instruction for a significant part of the day from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
- In Kindergarten, the language of instruction is French, with occasional exceptions.
- From Grade 1 to Grade 6, subjects are taught in French for at least 75% of the time.
- For Grades 7 and 8, courses are taught in French for the majority of the time, up to 80%.
- From Grade 9 to Grade 12, a minimum of 14 credits from courses taught in French are required. As of September 2024, students starting Grade 9 must earn a minimum of 15 credits taught in French.
- Cultural and extra-curricular activities in French are offered to support language skill development outside the classroom.
Recommended Subject Area Time Allotments for Kindergarten to Grade 8
Subject Areas | Grades 1 to 6 |
Grades 7 and 8 |
Compulsory | English language arts - Immersion | 20% | 14% |
Français | 15% | 13% | |
Mathématiques | 15% | 17% | |
Sciences de la nature | 10% | 13% | |
Sciences humaines | 10% | 13% | |
Éducation physique et Éducation à la santé | 11% | 9% | |
Éducation artistique | 10% | 8% | |
Optional |
ex. : career development | 9% | 13% |
Total | 100% | 100% |
Senior Years Credit System and Graduation Requirements
Grades 9 to 12 are organized around a system of credits. Students may earn one credit by successfully completing a course designed for a minimum of 110 hours of instruction.
What are the credit requirements for the French Immersion Program diploma?
To meet the requirements to obtain a French Immersion Program diploma, students must earn a minimum of 14 credits* from courses taught in French of the minimum 30 required credits for graduation. (See table below.)
Required Minimum Number of Credits from Courses Taught in French | Compulsory French Courses |
Other Courses Taught in French |
Grade 9 | 4 credits | Français langue seconde – immersion | Students must earn 10 or more credits from courses taught in French from the options available to them. Details found in the following documents: |
Grade 10 | 4 credits | Français langue seconde – immersion | |
Grade 11 | 3 credits* | Français langue seconde – immersion : langue et communication | |
Grade 12 |
3 credits* | Français langue seconde – immersion : langue et communication | |
Minimum of 14 credits* | 4 credits | Minimum of 10 credits* |
* In accordance with The French Immersion Policy in Manitoba (2023), as of September 2024, students starting Grade 9 must earn a minimum of 15 credits from courses taught in French of the 30 required to obtain a provincial French immersion diploma. The additional required credit from a course taught in French must be earned in either Grade 11 or 12. In other words, as of 2027/28, all French immersion students must have earned a minimum of 15 credits from courses taught in French in order to obtain a provincial French immersion diploma.
For more information, visit:
- Graduation Requirements for Manitoba High School Diplomas
- Graduation Requirements for the Senior Years French Immersion – Technology Education Program (
72 KB)
For all inquiries related to credit requirements, contact the BEF at 204-945-6916, toll-free at 1-800-282-8069, extension 6916, or by email at
Resources for Parents
My Child in School: A Resource for Parents (French Immersion Program)
A website that offers a brief curriculum overview of each compulsory course per grade level.
Canadian Parents for French - Manitoba
A website of an association of parents dedicated to furthering bilingualism by promoting and creating opportunities for youth to learn and use French.
French for Life
A website about learning and living in French in Manitoba.
Other Research
French Immersion: Findings of School Administrator Focus Groups (April 2000) ( 62 KB)
Survey of 1998 and 1999 Manitoba French Immersion Graduates
Sandra Drzystek
Liaison Officer
Bureau de l’éducation française
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Phone: 204-945-6939
Toll Free: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 6939