
Subject Area Time Allotments

Time allotment tables describe the expectations for the subject area time allotments in the English Program. An overall percentage breakdown is given as a guideline only, and reflects a change from the total time in minutes for compulsory and optional subject areas.

* A recommendation for schools offering basic French or other second languages is to re-allocate a small portion of English Language Arts time for this purpose. This recognizes that some language concepts are transferable and should assist schools to accommodate the basic French grant requirement.

The document, A Foundation for Excellence, describes Manitoba’s revised program requirements introduced in the mid-1990s.

To obtain feedback on how well the timetabling transition was progressing within the revised program requirements, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning conducted a survey of principals of K-8 schools on the topic of subject area time allotments (February 1996).

As a result of the information received, time allotments for subject areas were adjusted from prescribed minutes per day to recommended percentages. This change provided schools with more flexibility for scheduling, timetabling, and staffing, and addressed concerns in the following areas:

  • scheduling multi-grade classes
  • scheduling schools that cross Early, Middle, and Senior Years (i.e., K-12 schools)
  • scheduling second language options
  • accommodating constraints on length of day for bussing arrangements
  • accommodating other local circumstances and priorities

New modified time allotment tables described the expectations for the subject area time allotments in the three programs (English, Français, and French Immersion).

An overall percentage breakdown is given as a guideline only, and reflects a change from the total minutes time commitment to compulsory and optional subject areas. Please note however that the minimum allocated time for Grades K to 8 Physical Education/Health Education is mandated.1


This refinement means that while the emphasis on the compulsory subjects remains intact, instructional leaders will have increased flexibility to arrange timetabling in a manner that suits the composition and specific needs of their school.

Presenting the allotments as percentages, rather than a specific number of minutes, reflects the fact that schools vary in length of day, opening and closing times, recesses and midday intermission. Schools are still expected to adhere to Regulation 101/95 which stipulates the minimum requirements of the instructional day.

A recommendation for schools offering basic French or other second languages is to re-allocate a small portion of English language arts time for this purpose. This recognizes that some language concepts are transferable and should assist schools to accommodate the basic French grant requirement.

Schools may choose to continue integration of subject area learning, where appropriate, in order to maximize student achievement. This could include, for example, the integration of such areas as information technology skills or study skills with learning across the curriculum; of language arts and social studies, of mathematics and science. The intent is for all students to have opportunities to achieve relative to the prescribed learning outcomes of the curriculum.

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