Contents on this Page
- Grade 3 Social Studies Unit
- Social Studies Posters
- Curriculum Frameworks
- Foundation Documents
- Learning Resources
- Partner Groups
- Schools Offering Ukrainian
International and Heritage Languages
Ukrainian language education has a long history in Manitoba. Ukrainian as a language of study has been offered in Manitoba schools since the late 1960s. In the 1979-1980 school year, Ukrainian-English bilingual programming was offered in several schools for the first time since 1916 when English had been made the sole language of instruction in Manitoba schools.
Today six school divisions offer Ukrainian-English bilingual programming and a number of schools offer Ukrainian language courses (language of study).
Ukrainian Grade 3 Social Studies Unit
Україна – 3 клас
This Grade 3 Unit on Ukraine is intended to support the implementation of the Manitoba social studies curriculum in schools offering Ukrainian–English Bilingual programming. The unit is composed of five modules or “lessons” (Урок) that serve to introduce learners to Ukraine, its peoples, and its culture. Each lesson provides teachers with blackline masters for use in the classroom, short articles, visual resources, and links to references and additional resources.
Ukrainian Social Studies Posters: Immigration, Internment, and Taras Shevchenko
Українські пізнавальні постери: Імміграція, інтернованих, і Тарас Шевченкo
This series of posters was developed to support the implementation of the Manitoba Social Studies Curriculum in schools offering Ukrainian-English Bilingual programming. This series of Ukrainian language posters focuseson three themes:
- The Immigration to and Settlement of Ukrainians in Canada
- The Internment of Ukrainian Canadians during World War 1
- The Life and Works of Taras Shevchenko
The posters for each theme reflect three different levels of language complexity (L1 to L3), with the intent of making the posters developed for each theme to be used across the early and middle years grades.
The posters were developed by Iryna Konstantiuk, Yaroslav Hayduk, a Slavic Studies graduate student, and Tony Tavares, Manitoba Education. The development was made possible through the support and contributions of Lubomyr Y. Luciuk (Ph.D, Professor, Royal Military College of Canada), Alexander Kondrashov (Faculy of Social Work, University of Manitoba), Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE), the Taras Shevchenko Foundation Canada, and the teachers of Ukrainian in Manitoba Schools.
Curriculum Frameworks
Bilingual Programming
Kindergarten to Senior 4 Ukrainian Language Arts: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (2005) was released in April 2005. This document is the product of a collaborative initiative to develop Ukrainian bilingual education curricula with Alberta Education, Saskatchewan Learning, and Edmonton Public Schools. The Manitoba curriculum framework was adapted from the Common Curriculum Framework for Ukrainian Language Arts K-12, Western Canadian Protocol (2003).
The Kindergarten to Senior 4 Ukrainian Language Arts: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes contains
- an introduction describing the background, purpose, and development process
- a rationale and vision for Ukrainian language arts education
- a definition and conceptual framework for Ukrainian language arts in a bilingual school setting
- an orientation to the document
- a description of the organization of the document
- a description of the central concepts of the six General Learning Outcomes for Kindergarten to Grade 12
- Kindergarten to Grade 12 Specific Learning Outcomes
Language of Study or Basic Programming
Renewal of Manitoba’s curricula for Ukrainian language of study courses is slated for the 2006-2007 School year. For information on existing curriculum follow the contact information available on this page.
Foundation Documents
Bilingual Programming
Kindergarten to Grade 3 Ukrainian Language Arts: A Foundation for Implementation and Grades 4 to 6 Ukrainian Language Arts: A Foundation for Implementation documents were published in March of 2011. These documents were developed collaboratively with Alberta Education and Saskatchewan Learning. The Manitoba documents are adaptations to the 2008 Alberta Ukrainian language arts Guides to Implementation for Grades K-3 and 4-6.
The Foundation for Implementation documents contain the following sections:
- An Introduction summarizing the development and context for the document development, as well as the benefits of learning Ukrainian.
- Language Arts Instruction, which provides an overview some key concepts and issues related to teaching and learning language arts.
- Planning, this provides information and ideas related to planning for bilingual instruction.
- Learning and Instructional Strategies, which provides an overview of the importance of learning and instructional strategies, especially with respect to second language learning.
- Students with Special Education Needs, which provides an overview of the issues and strategies for integrating and differentiating instruction for learners in bilingual programs with special education needs.
- Students Who Are Gifted Students, which provides an overview of the issues and strategies for integrating and differentiating instruction for learners in bilingual programs who are gifted students.
- English as a Additional Language Learners (EAL), which provides an overview of the issues and strategies for integrating and differentiating instruction for learners in bilingual programs who are EAL learners.
- Classroom Assessment, which provides an overview of assessment as, for, and of learning and some useful teacher resources.
- Grade Level Samples, which provides examples of instructional strategies, assessment strategies, and learning resources related to general and specific learning outcomes.
- Appendices, which provides a number of resources grade level charts of the specific outcomes, key vocabulary, planning charts, graphic organizers, and backline masters.
- Bibliography
Teacher Support Materials
A series of new Ukrainian Social Studies Blackline Masters (BLMs) for Grades 1 to 6 are now available for Ukrainian-English bilingual programming. These resources were the result of the collaborative efforts of Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE), River East Transcona School Division (RETSD), Portage and Main Press, and Manitoba Education. The BLMs available have been adapted and translated from the Hands on Social Studies series developed by Portage and Main Press and Manitoba Educaiton's Foundation for Implementation resources for Social Studies.
Електронний посібник з української мови. Передшкілля – 12 кляса (Ukrainian Language Arts / A Teachers Resource of Templates and Blackline Masters Kindergarten - Grade 12) was developed to support the implementation of the Ukrainian Language Arts curriculum. This teachers’ resource was developed in partnership with Alberta Education, the Ukrainian Knowledge Information Portal (UKiP), and Saskatchewan Learning. This resource may be downloaded in PDF and Microsoft Word Versions from oomRoom, the Ukrainian Learning Network at Welcome to OomRoom!
Learning Resources
Ukrainian Language Arts Learning Resources: Kindergarten to Senior 4: Annotated Bibliography is being developed. The bibliography provides information on learning resources that have been approved by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning. An interim list of resources is available. For a copy contact Tony Tavares.
Partner Groups
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning recognizes the value of the collaborative initiatives and partnerships that have helped develop and support Ukrainian Language Education. Links to websites of partner organizations and schools offering Ukrainian Language Education programming follow below.
- Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education
- Alberta Education - International Languages
- Saskatchewan Learning
- Ukrainian Language Education Centre
- Ukrainian Learning Network-OoomRoom.coml
Schools Offering Ukrainian Language Education
- Ralph Brown School
- Springfield Heights School
- Chief Peguis Junior High
- East Selkirk Middle School
- R.F. Morrison School
- Happy Thought School
- Oakbank Elementary
- Prince Edward School
- Springfield Middle School
- Smith-Jackson School
- Mackenzie Middle School