Finance and Statistics
Manitoba Public School Fee Policy
Currently, The Public Schools Act - subsections 48(1)(f), (h), (j) and (w); section 73; and section 75 - authorizes school divisions/districts to impose fees in certain circumstances.
The Manitoba Public School Fee Policy has been developed to provide guidance to divisions/districts regarding fees and charges not specifically referenced in the Act. The Policy is as follows:
- A school division/district shall not charge fees for goods and services provided to students of school age without which the student could not meet required learning outcomes or assessment requirements of an educational program provided by the division/district except for:
- materials used in goods that are intended for the student to take home for personal use;
- the purchase of paper, writing tools, calculators, student planners, exercise books, computer diskettes and other school supplies and equipment for a students personal use;
- the rental of a musical instrument for a students personal use;
- fees in respect of field trips, team trips or special events to recover associated actual expenses only, including transportation, accommodation, meals, entrance fees and equipment rental but not including substitute teacher costs.
- A school division/district may not charge fees for items included under Sections 1(a) - 1(d) unless the board has established policies and procedures to facilitate participation by students who would otherwise be excluded due to financial hardship.
- A school division/district may not charge fees for transportation of students to their designated school as mandated (primarily related to distance from school) by The Public Schools Act. A fee may be charged for all other transported public school students.
- A school division/district may require students, at the students/parents expense, to provide appropriate personal clothing for school activities such as gym wear, footwear, outerwear, personal safety equipment and musical instruments or require a student to bring appropriate materials, supplies and equipment for their personal use at school.
- This policy applies to school age students, i.e. students having the right to attend school.
- A school division/district must ensure that advisory councils, parent councils and/or student councils do not charge fees that would be in violation of this policy.
- Effective the 1999-2000 school year, school divisions/districts must make available to parents a comprehensive fee schedule prior to the start of each school year.
Date issued: November 1998