Framework for Learning


Framework for Learning

Curriculum Development and Implementation

Curriculum development, renewal, and refinement follows a consistent process to ensure provincial curricula are contemporary, relevant, inclusive, and responsive to societal and technological changes.

Provincial curricula:

The following curricula are currently in renewal, refinement, or field validation (piloting phase):

Curricula Status
Curricula in Development Curricula in Renewal Curricula in Refinement Curricula in Field Validation (Piloting Phase)
Grades 9 to 12 Early Childhood Education Program Kindergarten to Grade 12 Physical Education and Health Education Kindergarten to Grade 12 English Language Arts Kindergarten to Grade 10 Science
Land and Treaties Relationships and Responsibilities Kindergarten to Grade 11 Mandatory Social Studies Grades 9 to 12 Baking and Pastry Arts Grades 9 to 12 English as an Additional Language Literacy Courses  
  Grades 5 to 12 Industrial Arts Strands Grades 9 to 12 Horticulture Grades 9 to 12 Literacy Academics and Language Literacy Courses
Français Arts Langagiers : Maternelle à la 8e année
(Programme d’immersion française)
Grades 9 to 12 Machining  
ELA : 1re à la 8e année
(Programme d’immersion française)
Anglais : 4e à la 8e année
(Programme français)

Curriculum Development Process

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Curriculum Development Process - An Overview
Research Project leaders from across Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning collaborate to develop curriculum. They conduct research and jurisdictional scans to gather current information related to
  • a specific subject area
  • trends in curriculum design
  • innovations in learning and teaching
  • global/societal and technological changes
Stakeholder Engagement Project co-leaders communicate and engage with internal and external stakeholders, including the following:
  • internal stakeholders from across Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
  • external stakeholders, including provincial educators, academic experts, subject-area specialists, education sector partners, and Indigenous Rights Holders
Design Every curriculum follows consistent design specifications for a discipline overview, a course overview, enduring understandings, descriptors of global competencies in the discipline, learning outcomes, and curriculum implementation resources. Additional key elements that inform the curriculum design are the Guiding Principles for Designing Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices, the Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting, and a Statement of Literacy, Numeracy, and Multiliteracies.
Development A curriculum development team, composed of project co-leaders and diverse subject area educators from across the province, applies the curriculum design specifications to the curriculum.
Field Validation and Revision Field validation (piloting phase) occurs with designated educators from urban, rural, and northern areas of the province, to ensure that the curriculum design and content meet the needs of all educators and learners. Feedback is collected from participants, and revisions are made to improve the curriculum as needed.
Provincial Implementation Once a curriculum has been validated and revised, it is then published for full provincial implementation. Every curriculum document/web page meets accessibility standards and is posted on the Framework for Learning website.

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