Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

  • ...
  • Curriculular Focus: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
  • Level: Grade 11
  • Time Frame: One day
  • Global Competency Focus
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
  • Learning Experience and Assessment Focus
    • Enhancing self-efficacy and encouraging autonomy and responsibility
    • Integrating diverse perspectives, lived experiences, and world views


Learners learn to communicate mathematically through problem solving.

In a Grade 11 Pre-Calculus class, a teacher noticed that it was hard for learners to engage consistently. Learners would take down notes and try to apply strategies learned from examples given in class to their practice. It promoted a rigidity in math learning, leaning too heavily on algorithms instead of promoting mental resilience and problem solving.

One day, the teacher welcomed learners into class with playing cards that were used to sort the learners into randomized groups of three. Within these groups, learners assigned roles to themselves: the scribe, the communicator, and the inquirer. The scribe was the learner with the writing utensil and was the only one who was allowed to write. The communicator was the learner who would explain the solution at the end once they had solved it as a group. The inquirer was the learner who could ask the teacher questions. Each group was given a whiteboard.

All groups were given the same challenge question found in a University of Waterloo math contest. Bound by their roles, learners worked together within their groups of three to find a solution. After each group found a solution, the groups’ communicators took turns presenting their solutions to the entire class. At the end, the whole class needed to come to a consensus as to what the correct answer was, without the help of the teacher. When the class came to a consensus, having co-constructed their understanding of the mathematical concepts, the teacher either confirmed the solution as correct or encouraged more conversations if it was not correct. Learners sometimes needed to adjust their thinking to understand the context of the question.

Assigning roles was an important part of this process. Oftentimes, learners would express their emotions—specifically, insecurity—about being in charge of various aspects of the groups’ communications. As everyone had a specific role, each person was forced to express themselves, often revealing that each group member saw the problems in a way that was different from the others.

If the question was correct, then a new question was given and the learners would change roles within their group. The process would repeat to fit the span of the class.

Over time, learners had more confidence in communicating their ideas to their classmates. They were able to think on their feet in a problem-solving situation more comfortably and with more ease. They also began to value their own contributions and the contributions of others, which made room for natural mathematical conversations.

Dimensions of Global Competencies in Action

  • Learners collaborate with others, value diverse points of view, and consider a range of ideas and perspectives when contributing to mathematical exchanges.*
  • Learners value the contributions of others, making room for different points of view that will foster mathematical exchanges.*
  • Learners show a willingness to compromise and change their opinions when presented with convincing arguments during mathematical exchanges.*
  • Learners practise active listening, question their own and others’ mathematical ways of thinking, and ask questions of others to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas.*
  • Learners make sense of mathematical concepts and ideas by co-constructing their understanding with others.*
  • Learners express their mathematical ideas and emotions about mathematics, taking into account non-verbal cues and adjusting what they say according to the context.*
  • Learners recognize and accept that the ways they learn and represent their understanding may be different from those of others.*
  • Learners make sense of mathematical ideas, problems, and situations, and deepen their understanding by making connections among their own language, mathematical terminology, and mathematical conventions.*
  • Learners contribute to mathematical exchanges and express their thoughts and emotions about mathematical ideas in a positive and respectful way, whether in person or online.*
  • Learners defend their points of view and their mathematical reasoning while accepting the points of view and reasoning of others in a constructive and responsible way; they understand how these exchanges benefit themselves as much as they do other members of their learning community.*

*These descriptors represent the dimensions of global competencies in mathematics.

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