Manitoba K-12 Education Data Dashboard

Grade 3 and 4 Assessment

Grade 3 and 4 Assessment Dashboard


Grade 3 Numeracy, English Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 10,958 5,251 5,702 8,383 2,575 6,177 3,992 789
Fall 2014 11,333 5,381 5,944 8,629 2,704 6,450 4,063 820
Fall 2015 11,727 5,645 6,070 8,922 2,805 6,595 4,215 917
Fall 2016 11,890 5,687 6,195 9,168 2,722 6,653 4,344 893
Fall 2017 12,161 5,934 6,220 9,459 2,702 6,870 4,390 901
Fall 2018 11,947 5,736 6,204 9,374 2,573 6,744 4,357 846
Fall 2019 11,954 5,671 6,279 9,539 2,415 6,710 4,433 811
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 11,464 5,477 5,984 9,111 2,353 6,677 4,128 659
Fall 2022 12,119 5,729 6,360 9,784 2,335 6,883 4,459 777
Fall 2023 12,203 5,856 6,347 9,760 2,443 7,120 4,372 711
Grade 3 Numeracy, English Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Four Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 30.8% 29.2% 32.3% 35.0% 17.0% 33.1% 30.7% 13.3%
Fall 2014 31.1% 30.7% 31.5% 35.5% 17.3% 33.9% 29.0% 19.6%
Fall 2015 34.2% 32.6% 35.7% 38.5% 20.5% 38.0% 31.6% 18.3%
Fall 2016 34.6% 32.5% 36.5% 38.9% 20.1% 38.7% 31.5% 19.0%
Fall 2017 35.2% 31.8% 38.4% 39.2% 21.0% 39.6% 31.8% 17.9%
Fall 2018 35.9% 33.0% 38.5% 39.6% 22.2% 39.8% 33.8% 15.6%
Fall 2019 35.6% 32.5% 38.3% 39.2% 21.0% 38.3% 35.1% 15.5%
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 32.6% 30.1% 34.8% 36.8% 16.2% 35.6% 30.9% 12.4%
Fall 2022 34.5% 32.3% 36.5% 38.6% 17.2% 36.2% 35.3% 14.2%
Fall 2023 35.6% 33.1% 38.0% 39.5% 20.3% 39.1% 32.9% 18.4%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Grade 3 Numeracy, Français Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 396 216 180 282 114 198 191 7
Fall 2014 464 207 257 330 134 221 233 10
Fall 2015 491 236 255 359 132 255 225 11
Fall 2016 472 228 244 331 141 222 235 15
Fall 2017 482 225 257 376 106 260 215 7
Fall 2018 507 241 266 382 125 257 241 9
Fall 2019 510 269 241 415 95 285 217 8
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 483 248 235 388 95 254 220 9
Fall 2022 489 226 263 398 91 242 242 5
Fall 2023 513 257 256 410 103 257 244 12
Grade 3 Numeracy, Français Program
  Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Four Sub-Competencies
Year Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 32.3% 32.4% 32.2% 32.6% 31.6% 38.4% 25.7% *
Fall 2014 28.4% 24.6% 31.5% 26.1% 34.3% 32.6% 24.0% 40.0%
Fall 2015 36.9% 38.1% 35.7% 40.7% 26.5% 41.2% 33.3% 9.1%
Fall 2016 32.0% 29.8% 34.0% 33.5% 28.4% 42.3% 23.0% 20.0%
Fall 2017 40.2% 35.6% 44.4% 41.2% 36.8% 50.8% 28.4% *
Fall 2018 36.7% 36.1% 37.2% 39.0% 29.6% 34.2% 38.6% *
Fall 2019 30.2% 28.6% 32.0% 30.6% 28.4% 30.9% 29.0% *
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 31.5% 24.6% 38.7% 31.2% 32.6% 31.5% 31.4% *
Fall 2022 37.6% 36.3% 38.8% 38.4% 34.1% 45.9% 29.8% *
Fall 2023 42.3% 40.2% 44.1% 42.9% 39.8% 49.4% 36.5% 8.3%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(*) Data representing fewer than 10 students is suppressed.


Grade 3 Numeracy, French Immersion Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 2,027 1,117 909 1,759 268 1,575 394 58
Fall 2014 2,180 1,189 991 1,902 278 1,728 402 50
Fall 2015 2,352 1,254 1,096 2,057 295 1,846 432 74
Fall 2016 2,434 1,283 1,151 2,183 251 1,884 493 57
Fall 2017 2,480 1,293 1,187 2,221 259 1,954 446 80
Fall 2018 2,469 1,301 1,168 2,206 263 1,930 479 60
Fall 2019 2,549 1,336 1,213 2,331 218 1,978 498 73
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 2,658 1,383 1,275 2,426 232 2,085 509 64
Fall 2022 2,566 1,310 1,255 2,363 203 2,005 499 62
Fall 2023 2,706 1,377 1,329 2,465 241 2,087 562 57
Grade 3 Numeracy, French Immersion Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Four Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 39.4% 35.7% 43.9% 40.5% 32.5% 41.8% 31.7% 25.9%
Fall 2014 44.1% 40.8% 48.0% 45.0% 37.8% 44.7% 43.0% 30.0%
Fall 2015 46.7% 42.7% 51.5% 47.9% 38.6% 47.2% 46.8% 33.8%
Fall 2016 44.9% 40.7% 49.7% 45.4% 41.4% 44.6% 46.2% 45.6%
Fall 2017 46.1% 42.2% 50.4% 47.1% 37.5% 46.4% 44.8% 45.0%
Fall 2018 44.4% 39.7% 49.6% 45.6% 34.2% 43.7% 45.7% 55.0%
Fall 2019 43.8% 39.1% 48.9% 44.2% 39.4% 43.9% 44.0% 39.7%
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 41.8% 36.9% 47.0% 43.0% 28.9% 43.4% 34.2% 48.4%
Fall 2022 40.4% 35.8% 45.3% 41.0% 33.0% 42.2% 32.7% 45.2%
Fall 2023 43.0% 38.1% 48.1% 43.9% 34.4% 45.4% 35.9% 24.6%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Grade 3 Reading in English, English Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 10,958 5,251 5,702 8,383 2,575 6,177 3,992 789
Fall 2014 11,335 5,382 5,945 8,630 2,705 6,450 4,063 822
Fall 2015 11,726 5,645 6,069 8,921 2,805 6,595 4,215 916
Fall 2016 11,890 5,687 6,195 9,168 2,722 6,653 4,344 893
Fall 2017 12,162 5,935 6,220 9,460 2,702 6,871 4,390 901
Fall 2018 11,947 5,736 6,204 9,374 2,573 6,744 4,357 846
Fall 2019 11,954 5,671 6,279 9,539 2,415 6,710 4,433 811
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 11,464 5,477 5,984 9,111 2,353 6,677 4,128 659
Fall 2022 12,119 5,729 6,360 9,784 2,335 6,883 4,459 777
Fall 2023 12,203 5,856 6,347 9,760 2,443 7,120 4,372 711
Grade 3 Reading in English, English Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Three Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 46.1% 50.5% 42.1% 51.9% 27.4% 47.3% 48.3% 25.9%
Fall 2014 46.0% 51.0% 41.5% 51.7% 27.9% 46.6% 47.4% 34.8%
Fall 2015 46.4% 50.6% 42.4% 51.8% 29.0% 49.2% 45.6% 29.0%
Fall 2016 47.3% 52.1% 43.0% 52.7% 29.2% 50.1% 47.1% 27.7%
Fall 2017 47.2% 50.3% 44.2% 52.1% 29.9% 49.3% 48.5% 24.8%
Fall 2018 47.4% 51.5% 43.7% 52.0% 30.7% 50.8% 47.4% 20.9%
Fall 2019 49.3% 53.6% 45.3% 54.2% 29.9% 50.9% 52.0% 20.7%
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 44.9% 48.5% 41.6% 50.6% 23.0% 47.3% 45.8% 14.7%
Fall 2022 45.7% 49.9% 42.1% 50.6% 25.4% 47.5% 47.8% 18.0%
Fall 2023 44.6% 48.2% 41.4% 49.1% 26.5% 46.6% 45.5% 19.4%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Grade 3 Reading in English, French Immersion Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 2,027 1,117 909 1,759 268 1,575 394 58
Fall 2014 2,179 1,188 991 1,901 278 1,727 402 50
Fall 2015 2,351 1,254 1,095 2,057 294 1,845 432 74
Fall 2016 2,433 1,283 1,150 2,182 251 1,883 493 57
Fall 2017 2,480 1,293 1,187 2,221 259 1,954 446 80
Fall 2018 2,469 1,301 1,168 2,206 263 1,930 479 60
Fall 2019 2,549 1,336 1,213 2,331 218 1,978 498 73
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 2,658 1,383 1,275 2,426 232 2,085 509 64
Fall 2022 2,566 1,310 1,255 2,363 203 2,005 499 62
Fall 2023 2,706 1,377 1,329 2,465 241 2,087 562 57
Grade 3 Reading in English, French Immersion Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Three Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 59.6% 62.0% 56.7% 62.0% 44.0% 60.8% 56.3% 50.0%
Fall 2014 65.4% 68.2% 62.2% 67.7% 50.0% 67.6% 55.5% 72.0%
Fall 2015 64.8% 69.2% 59.8% 66.3% 54.4% 66.8% 57.2% 59.5%
Fall 2016 67.7% 71.2% 63.7% 68.7% 58.2% 69.5% 59.4% 78.9%
Fall 2017 63.8% 66.0% 61.3% 65.3% 50.2% 65.8% 53.4% 72.5%
Fall 2018 67.6% 68.6% 66.4% 69.2% 54.4% 68.7% 63.0% 70.0%
Fall 2019 66.8% 70.3% 63.1% 67.8% 56.9% 67.6% 64.7% 61.6%
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 59.8% 63.5% 55.8% 60.8% 49.6% 60.0% 58.7% 64.1%
Fall 2022 60.0% 63.4% 56.6% 60.6% 52.7% 60.8% 56.1% 64.5%
Fall 2023 62.7% 65.0% 60.4% 63.9% 51.0% 63.9% 60.0% 49.1%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Grade 3 Reading in French, Français Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 396 216 180 282 114 198 191 7
Fall 2014 464 207 257 330 134 221 233 10
Fall 2015 491 236 255 359 132 255 225 11
Fall 2016 472 228 244 331 141 222 235 15
Fall 2017 482 225 257 376 106 260 215 7
Fall 2018 507 241 266 382 125 257 241 9
Fall 2019 510 269 241 415 95 285 217 8
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 483 248 235 388 95 254 220 9
Fall 2022 489 226 263 398 91 242 242 5
Fall 2023 513 256 256 410 103 257 244 12
Grade 3 Reading in French, Français Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Three Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 52.3% 55.6% 48.3% 53.2% 50.0% 61.1% 43.5% *
Fall 2014 48.9% 51.2% 47.1% 49.7% 47.0% 60.2% 39.9% 10.0%
Fall 2015 60.5% 67.8% 53.7% 67.4% 41.7% 70.2% 51.1% 27.3%
Fall 2016 54.4% 58.8% 50.4% 55.3% 52.5% 66.7% 44.3% 33.3%
Fall 2017 56.4% 60.4% 52.9% 58.5% 49.1% 66.9% 43.7% *
Fall 2018 56.2% 65.6% 47.7% 60.5% 43.2% 63.8% 49.0% *
Fall 2019 54.3% 61.0% 46.9% 54.5% 53.7% 61.8% 45.6% *
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 48.2% 50.4% 46.0% 51.0% 36.8% 63.4% 30.9% *
Fall 2022 50.5% 59.3% 43.0% 51.5% 46.2% 62.0% 39.3% *
Fall 2023 47.2% 51.2% 43.4% 49.0% 39.8% 52.5% 42.2% 33.3%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(*) Data representing fewer than 10 students is suppressed.


Grade 4 Reading in French, French Immersion Program
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 1,918 1,002 916 1,687 231 1,498 382 38
Fall 2014 1,926 1,077 849 1,677 249 1,489 384 53
Fall 2015 2,087 1,143 944 1,825 262 1,657 384 46
Fall 2016 2,220 1,196 1,023 1,943 277 1,743 415 62
Fall 2017 2,345 1,262 1,083 2,108 237 1,815 477 53
Fall 2018 2,359 1,229 1,130 2,121 238 1,862 427 70
Fall 2019 2,371 1,256 1,115 2,137 234 1,855 455 61
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 2,499 1,276 1,223 2,292 207 1,979 465 55
Fall 2022 2,503 1,312 1,189 2,269 234 1,948 497 58
Fall 2023 2,433 1,244 1,189 2,230 203 1,890 488 55
Grade 4 Reading in French, French Immersion Program
Year Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations in all Three Sub-Competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
Fall 2013 49.1% 54.3% 43.3% 51.2% 33.8% 50.3% 45.0% 42.1%
Fall 2014 47.7% 48.9% 46.1% 49.4% 35.7% 50.2% 37.5% 49.1%
Fall 2015 52.4% 55.3% 48.9% 54.0% 41.2% 53.8% 47.1% 47.8%
Fall 2016 51.4% 54.8% 47.6% 52.9% 41.5% 53.9% 41.4% 50.0%
Fall 2017 54.8% 58.5% 50.5% 56.1% 43.5% 56.4% 48.4% 56.6%
Fall 2018 53.0% 57.0% 48.7% 54.9% 36.6% 55.0% 45.0% 50.0%
Fall 2019 54.1% 57.3% 50.5% 55.5% 41.9% 56.1% 44.8% 63.9%
Fall 2020 - - - - - - - -
Fall 2021 45.9% 47.5% 44.2% 46.9% 34.3% 47.1% 40.6% 43.6%
Fall 2022 47.0% 49.9% 43.9% 48.0% 37.2% 48.8% 38.8% 58.6%
Fall 2023 48.0% 50.3% 45.5% 48.6% 41.4% 49.1% 43.4% 49.1%
Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The Fall 2020 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.