Manitoba K-12 Education Data Dashboard

Middle Years Assessment

Middle Years Assessment Dashboard


Number Sense and Number Skills, English Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 12,107 5,835 6,257 9,501 2,606 7,062 4,266 779
January 2015 12,027 5,652 6,362 9,449 2,578 7,027 4,285 715
January 2016 12,061 5,778 6,275 9,379 2,682 7,071 4,225 765
January 2017 11,943 5,666 6,265 9,278 2,665 6,935 4,171 837
January 2018 11,983 5,770 6,203 9,350 2,633 6,922 4,308 753
January 2019 12,272 5,800 6,467 9,505 2,767 7,143 4,330 799
January 2020 12,691 6,090 6,599 9,900 2,791 7,403 4,464 824
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 12,218 5,920 6,298 9,677 2,541 7,181 4,340 697
January 2023 12,580 5,995 6,547 10,029 2,551 7,366 4,463 751
January 2024 13,145 6,216 6,901 10,560 2,585 7,786 4,584 775
Number Sense and Number Skills, English Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all five sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 31.2% 32.9% 29.6% 35.8% 14.4% 34.1% 28.8% 17.8%
January 2015 32.4% 34.6% 30.4% 37.3% 14.2% 34.7% 30.5% 21.1%
January 2016 32.2% 34.0% 30.5% 36.7% 16.1% 34.5% 30.8% 17.8%
January 2017 32.5% 33.6% 31.5% 37.6% 14.6% 34.2% 32.2% 18.9%
January 2018 34.8% 36.0% 33.8% 40.0% 16.4% 38.6% 31.9% 17.4%
January 2019 35.9% 37.0% 34.9% 42.0% 15.1% 39.1% 34.2% 16.8%
January 2020 35.6% 36.4% 34.9% 41.2% 15.8% 39.5% 33.2% 13.5%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 36.2% 36.4% 36.1% 41.9% 14.8% 41.6% 31.5% 10.6%
January 2023 38.1% 38.3% 38.0% 44.0% 14.8% 44.1% 33.0% 9.5%
January 2024 39.3% 38.9% 39.7% 45.0% 15.6% 43.7% 36.8% 8.8%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Number Sense and Number Skills, Français Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 427 226 200 312 115 232 191 4
January 2015 380 205 175 262 118 197 178 5
January 2016 404 203 200 277 127 197 201 6
January 2017 386 197 189 278 108 228 153 5
January 2018 362 194 168 267 95 186 170 6
January 2019 464 212 252 339 125 231 226 7
January 2020 460 222 238 341 119 239 210 11
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 440 201 239 347 93 241 196 3
January 2023 438 224 214 325 113 214 219 5
January 2024 469 255 214 383 86 263 201 5
Number Sense and Number Skills, Français Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all five sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 37.9% 38.9% 37.0% 40.4% 31.3% 39.7% 36.1% *
January 2015 44.2% 45.4% 42.9% 46.2% 39.8% 45.7% 41.6% *
January 2016 46.8% 43.3% 50.0% 51.6% 36.2% 51.8% 41.8% *
January 2017 42.7% 46.7% 38.6% 45.7% 35.2% 47.4% 37.3% *
January 2018 44.2% 48.5% 39.3% 46.1% 38.9% 50.0% 38.8% *
January 2019 47.2% 46.2% 48.0% 46.6% 48.8% 51.9% 43.4% *
January 2020 36.7% 34.7% 38.7% 38.4% 31.9% 38.1% 36.2% 18.2%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 29.8% 29.9% 29.7% 29.7% 30.1% 41.1% 16.3% *
January 2023 25.8% 22.8% 29.0% 28.3% 18.6% 24.3% 26.9% *
January 2024 40.7% 37.6% 44.4% 39.2% 47.7% 39.9% 41.8% *

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(*) Data representing fewer than 10 students is suppressed.


Number Sense and Number Skills, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 1,499 815 683 1,271 228 1,177 277 45
January 2015 1,546 827 719 1,330 216 1,186 312 48
January 2016 1,565 874 691 1,352 213 1,225 301 39
January 2017 1,712 911 801 1,518 194 1,328 353 31
January 2018 1,742 980 761 1,523 219 1,367 336 39
January 2019 1,827 1,013 814 1,599 228 1,463 328 36
January 2020 2,004 1,100 903 1,764 240 1,579 380 45
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 2,058 1,082 976 1,867 191 1,642 364 52
January 2023 2,045 1,096 949 1,839 206 1,591 415 39
January 2024 1,969 1,067 901 1,798 171 1,526 392 51
Number Sense and Number Skills, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 7)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all five sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 44.3% 46.6% 41.6% 46.1% 34.2% 48.7% 29.6% 20.0%
January 2015 37.0% 36.3% 37.8% 39.1% 24.1% 41.8% 21.8% 16.7%
January 2016 39.7% 42.4% 36.2% 42.2% 23.5% 43.0% 27.6% 28.2%
January 2017 37.0% 36.0% 38.1% 37.8% 30.4% 40.0% 25.2% 41.9%
January 2018 43.7% 41.0% 47.2% 46.5% 24.7% 45.6% 37.8% 30.8%
January 2019 48.7% 49.1% 48.2% 50.8% 33.8% 53.0% 30.5% 38.9%
January 2020 49.6% 49.8% 49.3% 52.0% 31.2% 52.4% 39.5% 33.3%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 43.6% 41.5% 45.9% 44.7% 32.5% 47.2% 33.0% 3.8%
January 2023 48.2% 46.6% 49.9% 49.7% 34.5% 51.3% 37.1% 38.5%
January 2024 46.0% 45.5% 46.6% 46.8% 37.4% 48.4% 38.5% 31.4%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Reading Comprehension in English, English Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 12,452 5,862 6,578 9,802 2,650 7,298 4,331 823
January 2015 12,269 5,919 6,342 9,698 2,571 7,216 4,292 761
January 2016 12,160 5,710 6,438 9,615 2,545 7,143 4,334 683
January 2017 12,309 5,867 6,434 9,636 2,673 7,278 4,282 749
January 2018 12,116 5,752 6,352 9,489 2,627 7,063 4,250 803
January 2019 12,074 5,821 6,251 9,474 2,600 6,995 4,335 744
January 2020 12,458 5,913 6,539 9,701 2,757 7,282 4,378 798
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 12,175 5,789 6,386 9,635 2,540 7,140 4,374 661
January 2023 12,948 6,243 6,670 10,259 2,689 7,526 4,603 819
January 2024 13,015 6,217 6,778 10,395 2,620 7,733 4,524 758
Reading Comprehension in English, English Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 47.6% 57.0% 39.4% 52.9% 28.3% 50.3% 46.0% 33.0%
January 2015 47.7% 56.4% 39.7% 52.4% 30.2% 49.7% 47.6% 30.2%
January 2016 49.3% 58.5% 41.3% 55.1% 27.7% 53.6% 46.2% 24.9%
January 2017 49.4% 57.7% 41.9% 55.0% 29.2% 52.6% 47.8% 27.5%
January 2018 51.3% 60.5% 43.0% 57.4% 29.1% 54.0% 51.3% 27.6%
January 2019 51.0% 59.9% 42.7% 57.1% 28.6% 54.3% 50.1% 25.3%
January 2020 52.5% 60.0% 45.7% 59.1% 29.4% 56.2% 50.3% 30.8%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 51.9% 59.8% 44.7% 58.9% 25.3% 57.4% 46.8% 25.7%
January 2023 52.3% 59.2% 46.1% 58.4% 28.9% 56.6% 49.6% 28.0%
January 2024 51.8% 58.6% 45.6% 57.5% 29.0% 55.7% 49.1% 27.3%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Reading Comprehension in English, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 1,406 798 608 1,225 181 1,104 248 54
January 2015 1,434 782 651 1,226 208 1,131 265 38
January 2016 1,494 796 698 1,291 203 1,151 298 45
January 2017 1,527 862 665 1,320 207 1,198 292 37
January 2018 1,633 878 755 1,450 183 1,266 338 29
January 2019 1,692 953 739 1,480 212 1,323 331 38
January 2020 1,766 988 778 1,555 211 1,414 319 33
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 1,981 1,086 895 1,801 180 1,555 395 31
January 2023 1,958 1,035 923 1,774 184 1,571 350 37
January 2024 1,980 1,061 919 1,765 215 1,551 390 39
Reading Comprehension in English, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 65.0% 72.8% 54.8% 66.6% 54.1% 65.1% 67.7% 50.0%
January 2015 53.6% 62.8% 42.5% 54.8% 46.6% 52.3% 58.9% 55.3%
January 2016 63.5% 72.0% 53.9% 65.6% 50.2% 67.2% 48.0% 71.1%
January 2017 65.8% 75.1% 53.8% 68.0% 51.7% 68.5% 55.8% 56.8%
January 2018 64.4% 75.2% 51.9% 65.1% 59.0% 64.8% 63.3% 62.1%
January 2019 72.1% 79.7% 62.2% 73.9% 59.9% 73.2% 68.3% 68.4%
January 2020 66.0% 73.4% 56.6% 68.2% 49.8% 68.0% 58.3% 51.5%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 72.2% 80.4% 62.3% 73.5% 60.0% 73.5% 65.8% 90.3%
January 2023 70.6% 77.1% 63.3% 71.6% 60.3% 73.3% 60.9% 45.9%
January 2024 73.8% 80.8% 65.8% 75.7% 58.6% 77.6% 60.8% 53.8%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Reading Comprehension in French, Français Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 383 204 179 266 117 193 189 1
January 2015 419 228 190 309 110 227 190 2
January 2016 367 198 169 253 114 189 175 3
January 2017 405 203 201 281 124 196 203 6
January 2018 378 187 191 271 107 222 151 5
January 2019 349 185 164 258 91 185 160 4
January 2020 462 212 250 336 126 235 220 7
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 441 226 215 316 125 210 224 7
January 2023 435 195 240 344 91 240 195 0
January 2024 444 222 222 334 110 216 224 4
Reading Comprehension in French, Français Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 43.9% 54.9% 31.3% 44.0% 43.6% 46.6% 41.3% *
January 2015 35.8% 43.4% 26.8% 37.2% 31.8% 33.5% 38.9% *
January 2016 52.3% 60.1% 43.2% 55.3% 45.6% 58.7% 45.1% *
January 2017 52.3% 60.6% 44.3% 54.1% 48.4% 52.0% 52.7% *
January 2018 50.5% 55.6% 45.5% 51.3% 48.6% 47.3% 54.3% *
January 2019 56.4% 66.5% 45.1% 55.4% 59.3% 54.6% 58.8% *
January 2020 53.7% 65.6% 43.6% 57.4% 43.7% 55.7% 51.8% *
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 55.8% 58.4% 53.0% 59.2% 47.2% 64.3% 48.7% *
January 2023 50.3% 64.6% 38.8% 50.6% 49.5% 57.1% 42.1% n/a
January 2024 59.0% 68.9% 49.1% 60.8% 53.6% 74.5% 44.6% *

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(*) Data representing fewer than 10 students is suppressed.
(n/a) ‘Zero’ students in this category


Reading Comprehension in French, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 1,406 798 608 1,225 181 1,104 248 54
January 2015 1,434 782 651 1,226 208 1,131 265 38
January 2016 1,494 796 698 1,291 203 1,151 298 45
January 2017 1,527 862 665 1,320 207 1,198 292 37
January 2018 1,633 878 755 1,450 183 1,266 338 29
January 2019 1,692 953 739 1,480 212 1,323 331 38
January 2020 1,766 988 778 1,555 211 1,414 319 33
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 1,981 1,086 895 1,801 180 1,555 395 31
January 2023 1,958 1,035 923 1,774 184 1,571 350 37
January 2024 1,980 1,061 919 1,765 215 1,551 390 39
Reading Comprehension in French, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 55.5% 62.4% 46.5% 57.9% 39.8% 57.2% 53.6% 31.5%
January 2015 55.0% 62.0% 46.4% 57.7% 38.9% 57.6% 43.8% 55.3%
January 2016 49.2% 59.3% 37.7% 51.0% 37.9% 51.6% 40.6% 44.4%
January 2017 59.1% 67.5% 48.3% 61.3% 45.4% 63.4% 46.2% 24.3%
January 2018 62.6% 72.3% 51.4% 64.3% 49.7% 65.9% 50.3% 65.5%
January 2019 58.1% 63.8% 50.7% 59.9% 45.3% 62.2% 43.8% 39.5%
January 2020 61.6% 66.6% 55.3% 63.5% 47.4% 65.0% 48.3% 45.5%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 60.7% 69.2% 50.3% 62.4% 43.3% 62.6% 52.4% 71.0%
January 2023 59.1% 67.2% 50.1% 59.9% 51.6% 59.6% 56.3% 64.9%
January 2024 65.2% 71.7% 57.7% 67.7% 44.7% 69.6% 47.9% 61.5%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Expository Writing in English, English Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 12,452 5,862 6,578 9,802 2,650 7,298 4,331 823
January 2015 12,269 5,919 6,342 9,698 2,571 7,216 4,292 761
January 2016 12,160 5,710 6,438 9,615 2,545 7,143 4,334 683
January 2017 12,309 5,867 6,434 9,636 2,673 7,278 4,282 749
January 2018 12,116 5,752 6,352 9,489 2,627 7,063 4,250 803
January 2019 12,074 5,821 6,251 9,474 2,600 6,995 4,335 744
January 2020 12,458 5,913 6,539 9,701 2,757 7,282 4,378 798
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 12,175 5,789 6,386 9,635 2,540 7,140 4,374 661
January 2023 12,948 6,243 6,670 10,259 2,689 7,526 4,603 819
January 2024 13,015 6,217 6,778 10,395 2,620 7,733 4,524 758
Expository Writing in English, English Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 41.1% 53.3% 30.2% 46.2% 22.3% 43.9% 40.0% 21.7%
January 2015 41.7% 53.7% 30.6% 46.2% 24.8% 43.5% 42.5% 20.8%
January 2016 41.9% 54.0% 31.2% 47.2% 21.9% 46.2% 38.6% 17.7%
January 2017 43.8% 54.8% 33.7% 49.3% 24.0% 47.5% 41.6% 19.9%
January 2018 44.3% 56.1% 33.7% 50.2% 22.9% 47.6% 44.1% 16.1%
January 2019 44.7% 56.1% 34.1% 50.6% 23.3% 48.3% 43.5% 17.9%
January 2020 44.8% 54.7% 35.8% 50.9% 23.1% 48.6% 42.6% 22.1%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 45.0% 55.4% 35.7% 51.7% 19.7% 49.9% 40.9% 20.3%
January 2023 45.2% 54.8% 36.4% 51.2% 22.5% 49.5% 42.6% 20.1%
January 2024 45.0% 54.6% 36.3% 50.4% 23.5% 49.3% 42.1% 18.3%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Expository Writing in English, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 1,406 798 608 1,225 181 1,104 248 54
January 2015 1,434 782 651 1,226 208 1,131 265 38
January 2016 1,494 796 698 1,291 203 1,151 298 45
January 2017 1,527 862 665 1,320 207 1,198 292 37
January 2018 1,633 878 755 1,450 183 1,266 338 29
January 2019 1,692 953 739 1,480 212 1,323 331 38
January 2020 1,766 988 778 1,555 211 1,414 319 33
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 1,981 1,086 895 1,801 180 1,555 395 31
January 2023 1,958 1,035 923 1,774 184 1,571 350 37
January 2024 1,980 1,061 919 1,765 215 1,551 390 39
Expository Writing in English, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 59.7% 68.4% 48.4% 62.0% 44.2% 60.8% 56.9% 51.9%
January 2015 48.0% 59.8% 33.9% 49.8% 38.0% 48.2% 46.4% 55.3%
January 2016 54.7% 67.7% 39.8% 56.0% 46.3% 56.1% 46.3% 73.3%
January 2017 60.8% 73.5% 44.4% 62.7% 49.3% 63.3% 50.7% 62.2%
January 2018 49.7% 64.2% 32.8% 50.1% 46.4% 49.9% 49.4% 44.8%
January 2019 64.3% 72.9% 53.2% 66.2% 50.9% 66.3% 57.4% 55.3%
January 2020 61.3% 70.5% 49.5% 63.0% 48.3% 64.0% 50.2% 51.5%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 65.7% 76.4% 52.7% 66.7% 55.6% 69.1% 50.9% 83.9%
January 2023 63.2% 73.1% 52.1% 64.1% 54.3% 66.5% 50.0% 48.6%
January 2024 67.5% 77.5% 55.9% 68.8% 56.3% 70.9% 54.9% 56.4%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Expository Writing in French, Français Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 383 204 179 266 117 193 189 1
January 2015 419 228 190 309 110 227 190 2
January 2016 367 198 169 253 114 189 175 3
January 2017 405 203 201 281 124 196 203 6
January 2018 378 187 191 271 107 222 151 5
January 2019 349 185 164 258 91 185 160 4
January 2020 462 212 250 336 126 235 220 7
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 441 226 215 316 125 210 224 7
January 2023 435 195 240 344 91 240 195 0
January 2024 444 222 222 334 110 216 224 4
Expository Writing in French, Français Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 36.6% 45.1% 26.8% 38.0% 33.3% 42.5% 30.7% *
January 2015 36.3% 43.4% 27.9% 37.5% 32.7% 36.1% 36.8% *
January 2016 39.0% 47.5% 29.0% 41.5% 33.3% 47.1% 30.3% *
January 2017 36.3% 47.8% 24.9% 35.6% 37.9% 30.6% 41.4% *
January 2018 41.3% 47.1% 35.6% 42.8% 37.4% 39.2% 44.4% *
January 2019 49.3% 60.0% 37.2% 48.4% 51.6% 48.6% 50.0% *
January 2020 46.1% 59.9% 34.4% 48.8% 38.9% 48.1% 44.1% *
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 50.6% 55.3% 45.6% 53.8% 42.4% 62.4% 40.2% *
January 2023 47.8% 60.5% 37.5% 48.8% 44.0% 52.9% 41.5% n/a
January 2024 47.7% 56.3% 39.2% 51.2% 37.3% 66.2% 30.8% *

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(*) Data representing fewer than 10 students is suppressed.
(n/a) ‘Zero’ students in this category


Expository Writing in French, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Number of Students Assessed
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 1,406 798 608 1,225 181 1,104 248 54
January 2015 1,434 782 651 1,226 208 1,131 265 38
January 2016 1,494 796 698 1,291 203 1,151 298 45
January 2017 1,527 862 665 1,320 207 1,198 292 37
January 2018 1,633 878 755 1,450 183 1,266 338 29
January 2019 1,692 953 739 1,480 212 1,323 331 38
January 2020 1,766 988 778 1,555 211 1,414 319 33
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 1,981 1,086 895 1,801 180 1,555 395 31
January 2023 1,958 1,035 923 1,774 184 1,571 350 37
January 2024 1,980 1,061 919 1,765 215 1,551 390 39
Expository Writing in French, French Immersion Program (mid-Grade 8)
Year Percentage of students meeting mid-grade performance in all three sub-competencies
Provincial Female Male Non-
Indigenous Urban Rural Northern
January 2014 44.4% 51.8% 34.7% 47.3% 24.9% 46.1% 39.1% 33.3%
January 2015 40.1% 48.3% 30.1% 42.4% 26.4% 43.9% 28.3% 10.5%
January 2016 38.7% 49.5% 26.4% 39.8% 31.5% 41.0% 29.5% 40.0%
January 2017 48.7% 60.6% 33.2% 50.5% 37.2% 53.7% 31.2% 24.3%
January 2018 45.1% 56.8% 31.5% 46.1% 37.7% 47.1% 37.3% 51.7%
January 2019 46.3% 54.9% 35.2% 48.3% 32.1% 49.1% 35.0% 47.4%
January 2020 50.4% 59.1% 39.3% 52.3% 36.0% 53.8% 35.4% 48.5%
January 2021 - - - - - - - -
January 2022 51.3% 61.4% 39.0% 52.9% 35.0% 54.1% 39.0% 67.7%
January 2023 49.9% 59.9% 38.8% 51.1% 39.1% 51.9% 39.7% 62.2%
January 2024 53.7% 63.2% 42.8% 55.2% 41.9% 57.0% 40.3% 59.0%

Note: Each year, parents/caregivers of new or continuing students are given the opportunity to declare their child’s Indigenous identity for the first time, update previously declared identity, or confirm an existing declaration.
The most recent demographic information on students is used in the analysis.
(-) The January 2021 assessment was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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