Graduation Requirements
Contents on this Page
- Adult Learning Centres
- Cadets
- Career Development Internship
- Challenge for Credit Option
- Credit for Employment
- Credit Recovery
- Distance Learning Course
- Duke of Edinburgh Award Program
- High School Apprenticeship Program
- International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Courses
- Private Music Option
- Recognizing Post-Secondary Courses for Dual Credit
- Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB)
- School-Initiated Courses (SICs) and Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs)
- Special Language Credit Option
- Substitution of Credit
- Summer School
- Transfer to Manitoba
Alternative Ways of Earning Credits
Students are encouraged to consult with their school counsellors for more information on any of the alternatives listed below. Note that fees may be charged for some of the following alternatives, depending on local school or school division policies.
Adult Learning Centres
Adult learning centres offer a range of high school credit courses for adult learners. For more information, visit the Directory of Certified Adult Literacy Programs & Adult Learning Centres.
Students can earn up to two (2) credits for successful completion of the Cadet basic and advanced training programs. The Cadet credits are recognized only as additional credits beyond the minimum 30 credits required for high school graduation.
For more information, see the Policy for Recognition of Completion of Cadet Training Programs ( 124 KB).
Career Development Internship
The Career Development Internship (CDI) credit option is intended to recognize and encourage the skills development and experience students acquire through internships. Student may earn up to two (2) CDI high school credits for an unpaid internship. For more information, visit Career Development.
Challenge for Credit Option
The Challenge for Credit Option provides a process for students to demonstrate that they have achieved learning outcomes as defined in the Manitoba curriculum for a particular course.
- Guidelines for Implementating the Challenge for Credit Option Senior 1 to Senior 4 (
19 KB)
- Guidelines for Implementating the Challenge for Credit Option: Questions to consider in the development of local policy (
6 KB)
- Parent/Guardian Approval Form – Notice of Intent to Challenge for Credit (
13 KB)
- Challenge for Credit Option for a Course Credit: Letter of Agreement between the Student and the School (
6 KB)
- Challenge for Credit Option Assessment Strategies (
5 KB)
Credit for Employment
Credit for Employment (CFE) allows students to earn high school credit for paid work experience and will also encourage and recognize the skills development and experience gained through employment. Students may earn a maximum of two (2) CFE credits towards graduation. For more information, visit Career Development.
Credit Recovery
Credit recovery programs help students stay in school and graduate on time. Credit recovery is not intended to replace programs that already exist; rather, it helps students succeed by providing them with an in-school alternative to achieve learning outcomes they previously attempted to achieve in the classroom.
Distance Learning Course
Distance learning is a method of accessing courses of study even though learners and their teachers, instructors, or tutor/markers may be in different physical locations. Teacher Mediated Option (TMO) courses and Web-Based Courses (WBC) are available to students in Manitoba. For more information, visit Distance Learning.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Program
The hours that Manitoba students accumulate through their participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award program can be used towards credits for high school graduation. For more information, see the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Brochure ( 73 KB)
High School Apprenticeship Program
The High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) allows students to begin apprenticeship training while in high school. It combines regular high school instruction with paid, part-time, on-the-job apprenticeship training. Students may earn up to eight (8) credits towards graduation and collect apprenticeship hours. For more information, view the HSAP Brochure ( 239 KB).
International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Courses (Under Review)
Students may take Grade 11 and Grade 12 International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses for credit. Schools offering these courses must ensure that students do not receive credit for similar courses based on Manitoba curricula. Students must write the applicable Manitoba Grade 12 Provincial Tests in language arts and mathematics.
Private Music Option
Students can obtain up to four (4) additional credits beyond the minimum 30 credits required for provincial graduation upon successful completion of Royal Conservatory of Canada or Conservatory Canada exams. For more information, visit the Private Music Option.
Recognizing Post-Secondary Courses for Dual Credit
Post-secondary courses can be offered to students while they are attending high school or an Adult Learning Centre. Upon the successful completion of a post-secondary course, a student earns a post-secondary credit which counts toward fulfilling the credit requirements for high school graduation.
- Policy for Recognizing Post-Secondary Courses for Dual Credit (
273 KB)
- Post-Secondary Course Registration Form for Dual Credit (
119 KB)
Royal Winnipeg Ballet
Students can earn credits when they are registered in the senior levels of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet professional program.
School-Initiated Courses and Student-Initiated Projects (Under Review)
School-Initiated Courses (SICs) are curricula developed by school divisions/schools to meet local needs and interests. Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs) are curricular projects that students develop based on their interests. Students may obtain credit for a maximum of eleven (11) SICs and three (3) SIPs across their Senior Years. For more information, visit Locally Developed Curriculua: School-Initiated Courses and Student-Initiated Projects.
Special Language Credit Option
There are two pathways where students may be awarded up to four (4) special language credits:
- By presenting recognized non-Manitoba credentials (transcripts, report cards, certificates of standing, etc.) that demonstrate prior instruction or proficiency in languages other than English or French.
- By successfully completing special language examinations.
For more information, visit the Special Language Credit Option.
Substitution of Credit
In exceptional circumstances, and in discussion with parents/guardians, a school administrator may approve the substitution of a maximum of two (2) optional course credits for two (2) compulsory credits (Grades 9 to 12) toward the Manitoba High School Diploma.
- Policy for Substitution of Credits in Exceptional Circumstances (
113 KB)
- Substitution of Credits Reporting Form (
63 KB)
Summer School
InformNet courses provide students with daily instruction, assignments, and evaluation through regular email and web-based interaction from a certified high school teacher. Summer session is open to all students in Manitoba who have not successfully completed a course(s) during the regular academic year or wish to improve their passing grade. For more information, visit InformNet: Manitoba’s Online High School.
Transfer to Manitoba
Students may transfer to the Manitoba school system from another jurisdiction. They can have their high school courses evaluated and accepted as Senior Years credits by local school principals. For more information see the document Evaluating Non-Manitoba Course Completions for Senior Years Credits.